CMD console freezes

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file
    BepInEx log file
    Server log file
    Have you read the FAQ?
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    I don't use mods!

    My pc: Server 3.7.6 is on a PC 16gb virtual memory, rtx 3060ti, Intel core i9, ssd.

    Prior history:

    After starting the server I go into the game and connect to the server it happens very quickly, but after 5 minutes of play on average I began to notice that the console CMD server hangs when generating bots and accordingly in the game does not work aiming, shooting, jumping, but if I in the CMD console press enter it continues to work without problems and the generation of bots passes quickly. And so repeats constantly... I already bought a dedicated VPS server as powerful as my pc, but the same thing happens there, CMD console hangs. There are no errors in the logs. It's just that the console hangs when generating bots, that's all

    Any help is welcome! Thank you!

    Edited 2 times, last by r4z8r ().

  • Maybe there is some DDoS protection on your VPS server that throttles the 6969 port? Why not run the SPT server directly on your gaming PC, not using any virtual servers, to avoid this? Or have I misunderstood how you set this up?

  • Maybe there is some DDoS protection on your VPS server that throttles the 6969 port? Why not run the SPT server directly on your gaming PC, not using any virtual servers, to avoid this? Or have I misunderstood how you set this up?

    Thank you for your reply!

    My pc: Server 3.7.6 is on a PC 16gb virtual memory, rtx 3060ti, Intel core i9, ssd.

    I ran it on my pc but I get the same thing. The server console hangs, but when you press enter the console continues its work.....

    It hangs on bot generation. For example, generated 20 bots then some of the bots died and the subsequent generation of bots hangs, but when you press enter in the console bots begin to generate....

  • Sorry mate, I was confused by your mention of "Virtual Memory" which would be your page file, or the assigned memory of a virtual machine. Did you mean your actual RAM?

    Anyroad, if the server stops it's operations without logging, it's likely due to it trying to do something it does not have permissions to do. It could happen if you installed the game in the "Program Files " folder or on your desktop, or you don't have Admin permissions on your computer. Did you run the SPT server as Admin?

    Have you tried using an alternative launcher to see if that would work? I would recommend the one Baliston made, seems to work very well. You can find it here:

  • Thanks for your help! I ran as administrator but nothing! I'll keep looking for the cause...

  • My log:

    1. {"log":"\u001b[31mError: write after end\u001b[39m\r\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2024-02-09T16:46:37.201163531Z"}

    What is?

  • hey, don't know if you're still having this problem but does the spt folder keep going to read only? if so try turning controlled folder access on in your security settings

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