Game crash after short time regardless of in game location or menu

  • Server version
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    Client log file…fPvzTnQAuXfu8buvyKfjbQw2V
    BepInEx log file…7aWDATxx7EzVv5dVi7PVvpYqk
    Server log file…p9nXgdgDLN4S2ecnjvQjuqnbQ
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    I start the Server, wait for the "server is running" message, launch the launcher, and start the game with my only profile.

    Once the game starts sometimes I can load into a raid with either a scav or operator but after ~30 seconds I will get kicked back to the desktop with game audio playing for ~10 seconds before it quits and the launcher opens again. Other times I can load into the hideout but after 10 to 30 seconds the same will happen with me ending up back on the desktop with the launcher starting once the game audio quits. This happens even when I am managing my stash.

    I have tried multiple combinations of official EFT versions and installer versions. I have used RevoUninstaller to delete all associated registry files and userdata before doing a clean install of EFT and AKI. The current file structure is official EFT version, patched down to, AKI installed via the installer. Framework and Runtime are current. Antivirus is uninstalled.

    Thanks in advance for looking at this even if we cant find a solution.

    Edited once, last by Gimpy_AK ().

  • So I've had a look at your logs and nothing seems out of the ordinary or sticks out to me, it all looks to be working as intended. Have you installed any mods at some point and then removed them? Or had any AI spawn mods or anything like that?

    Before 0.14 wipe/patch there were a lot of reports and Reddit threads of players who had 16GB RAM complaining about having memory leaks because of BSG's shoddy implementation of new content and overall maintenance for the game which was eventually (and apparently) rectified/fixed when 0.14 was released in December but I don't fully believe it had fixed it.

    I'll give you some time to reply and see what we can do.


  • No mods, I tend to play a clean version as I'm looking for that "Live Tarkov Pain" experience as I play the release version when my internet connection allows. (Interior Alaska)

    It was working fine when I last played it about 2.5 weeks ago. I'm going to try to roll back Nvidia drivers to see if maybe that could be causing issues.

  • Rolling the Nvidia drivers back to the December 17th release did not help. I opened up the release version of EFT and that crashed while loading into raids. I think this is something, not related to the game.

    I am going to try a fresh install of Windows and see if that fixes it. With that, it may be a day before I can update again.

  • Take as much time as you need bud I'll keep the thread open until you can update again.

    With regards to the Nvidia drivers I would suggest updating to the latest version but also do a complete reinstall of Tarkov just to be sure. In the last week or so I've helped quite a few players on here and on Reddit with SPT and it seems reinstalling Tarkov and then setting up SPT again fixed their issues with the game, maybe it's worth a shot?


  • I tried a fresh install of both EFT and SPT before doing a fresh install of Windows. It was the fresh Windows install and then installing EFT/SPT again that finally got it working.

    Thanks for the help and I wish I could provide more detail on what the issue was.

  • Don't worry about not providing more details about the issue, sometimes it can be difficult pinpointing what is the cause but I'm happy you got your game working again. If it's ok with you can we mark this as resolved?

  • Kippa

    Closed the thread.
  • Kippa

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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