[Modded] Hideout Soft-Lock Issue

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    Not Sure if this falls under FAQ (Endless loading / Stuck on splashscreen / Game crash to desktop (specified cast is not valid/a value)) I tried Multiple Solutions and Have had no success in keeping it from SoftLocking my Hideout.

    So I recently discovered SPT as I have been playing Tarkov for about 6-10 Wipes, I have been playin for about a month now and I have a very frustrating problem!

    In the month or so I have been playing, I have had to restart my Progress a total of 5 Times.

    The Issue I seem to run into is around level 20, I will login or get out of a raid and try to open my Hideout so I can look at upgrades and I will get stuck in an Infinite Loading Screen. I understand I have a fair amount of mods but I have had no other Issues besides this one, I have tried deleting mods that conflicted or did Similar or the same things and still no luck. I have tried deleting my SPT folder and doing a fresh install for SPTAKI as well.

    It happened again today (which is why I am making this Thread) and I noticed that it became locked after I bought Clothes from Ragman, very weird but My PMC was USEC and I bought a Bear Shirt and regular USEC Pants and tried going into my Hideout after and it was an Infinite Loading Screen. I had AllTheClothes active and an option in ServerValueModifer that Allowed all clothes for purchase no matter your Faction.

    I have had times where I can make it to level 30 without it locking and most Traders up to LL3 but I have also had it Lock after level 14.

    I would appreciate any Info People have about this problem as I am tired of doing the same questing and not getting any further due to the hideout Locking.

    Edited 2 times, last by Some_BULL ().

  • Some_BULL hello, to start I am unable to access your log files to have a look at what's going on, please reupload your log files but make sure it isn't password protected and set the time limit to 1 week at the top of the window. We can't help you properly if we can't see what the problems are so if you can do that for us that would be appreciated, thanks.


  • Sorry about that, Here are the logs as they should be. They will be logs from today rather than Sunday since they update after opening the game. But I just had the same issue occur again today less then 10 minutes ago and had bought no Clothing item, am Level 18, got into the game and put a few items in my Junk-box and tried to open the hideout when it "SoftLocked" today.

    Client log file: https://codepaste.sp-tarkov.co…vfdCxa5wR9TpdTvwjoR7QvEN5

    BelpInEx Log: https://codepaste.sp-tarkov.co…CuDzgQd9ZubB5sycdL3joRK6j

    Server Log: https://codepaste.sp-tarkov.co…HnBwbXbCRKfm9i8gD3a3pzQPP

    I can Include yesterdays log if you need more. Hope this helps! Thank you for looking into this Roach, It is Frustrating me!

  • Yes sir! Appreciate you looking into it, Roach! Very weird Issue, other then that no issues to report. Please let me know what you find out! I understand we all have lives so get back to me when you can, and if you can find any problems with mod Configs or compatibility.

  • I am unable to look at your log files due to them being password protected. If you typed in a password please could you tell me what that is so I can look at them? Or you could reupload them and not make them password protected and set the day limit to 3 or 7 days, thanks.


  • Kippa

    Changed the title of the thread from “Hideout SoftLock Issue” to “[Modded] Hideout Soft-Lock Issue”.
  • The Logs I sent on Wednesday were not password protected and open fine for me, they are also set for 1 month. Please make sure you are checking the right link, I updated the links in my original message to remove any confusion.

    I feel it necessary to let you know I changed the Hideout production time and how long it takes to upgrade your modules in the Hideout itself using SVM (Server Value Modifier) but that is the only thing I changed relating to the Hideout itself.

  • Hello sorry it's taken me a few days to get back to you on your thread it's hard juggling 2 kids and an unpredictable job.

    Your logs were password protected like I showed you in my previous reply above, don't worry this isn't the first instance of this happening it's just a common thing that happens sometimes so no sweat.

    So what else have you tried doing in the meantime since I last commented? Have you successfully gained access to the hideout or still having issues?


  • Okay so right off the bat I can see that Josh Mate's - BetterBackPacks is incompatible with the current AKI version you are using - I would recommend you update this mod to latest version to avoid any further issues.

    Second, Armalite mod was removed from your mod list and profile but you still left items in your inventory or on your character - I would recommend reinstalling this mod and remove all items relating to Armalite and then remove Armalite if you don't want to use it anymore.


  • Hey there, Roach. No worries, take care of your family, and I understand the job unpredictability more than you know.

    Unfortunately I had the same Soft-Lock happen earlier this morning. I had left my computer on after playing last night into the early morning, after I woke up I tried to open SPT and again my Hideout refused to load.

    One thing I can say is I was level 16 and for whatever reason the Flea Market is available to me as soon as I start my new profile at level 1? Not sure if the Server Logic could be conflicting with my Profile after hitting level 15 and realizing I should not have had access to the Flea already? I use the Flea to upgrade my Hideout as it is an easy way of getting the Items necessary. I have it set to unlock like normal (At level 15) in SVM.

    I am Planning on running a fresh install and again trying to remove some of the "Bloat" and mods that do similar things.

    I have tried removing any setting that affect the Hideout, Like completely disabling the "Hideout" tab in SVM. My next step is trying without MultiplyALL, as that mod affects Hideout production time also.

    Also I can get into my Hideout as soon as I start a new profile, the issue is after X amount of time I will try to access my Hideout and I get stuck in an Infinite black Loading screen and I can never gain access back to the Hideout once this happens.

    I will try removing the suggested mods and give any updates. I appreciate you taking time out of your day and working with me on this issue, Roach.

  • So upon going back and redownloading mods, I found that a lot of people were having the same issue using Fears Temp Progressive stash and they have put out two Hotfixes to hopefully combat the issue.

    Will update if using the Hotfix fixes my issues with the hideout.

  • So I had my Hideout "Soft-Lock" one raid after upgrading my Stash to Lvl 2 in the Hideout using Temps Progressive Stash. I used the "Progressive Stash" Pre-set when starting my profile. I am going to try uninstalling Temps Progressive Stash and starting a profile using "EOD" rather then the "Progressive Stash" Pre-set and I imagine my Hideout would work just fine. Unfortunate because I enjoy the "Progressive Stash" concept but that seems to be causing my Issue.


    Without resetting the progress on my profile, I took Temps Progressive Stash out of the Mod folder located in your User folder, booted up the game one more time, and my Hideout Loaded right up.

    If you are having a similar issue DELETE THIS MOD and you won't need to reset your Progress!

  • So after your testing and troubleshooting, have you come to the conclusion that Temps Progressive Stash is the main reason for the "soft locking" or infinite looping in the hideout?

    I went to the comments section for that mod and it seems to be a common occurrence with "soft locking" and infinite looping, apparently it can happen when the player already has some of the utilities in the hideout at level 2, the stash at level 2 and an old profile. Starting a fresh profile when using Temps Progressive Stash is recommended from what I can tell.


  • Yes, I took that mod out of my SPT folder and my Hideout loaded just fine. I agree, I noticed my stash was a little smaller and the Secure Container you are given upon starting a new profile using the Temps Progressive Stash preset is reset to being a 2x2 container rather then 2x3. So keep that in mind!

    From my testing this mod isn't compatible with the current SPTAKI version.

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