[Modded] No concussion effect when getting shot in the head

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file
    BepInEx log file
    Server log file
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    i bought it from bsg's site
    List of used mods
    -Server Value Modifier
    -SWAG + Donuts
    -Questing Bots
    -Disable Flea Blacklist
    -visceral dismemberment
    -custom asset importer
    -eft api
    -Fire Support
    -Amands Graphics
    -Day Time cultists
    -Looting Bots
    -Boss Notifier

    This issue occurs in unmodded spt too, whenever i survive a headshot i don't get concussion or tinnitus effect, they work when i get hit by explosions though (e.g. landmines)

  • Okay so from what I can see you have a mod called Chomp-DisableFleaBlacklist that is incompatible with your current AKI version, I would highly recommend you update this mod to avoid further issues.

    As for the concussion and tinnitus effect I may need more information so things like; what type of ammo did you get shot by? What helmet have you been using when you get shot in the head? Was you actively using any medical items which might negate the effects of concussion or tinnitus? Etc..

    You are the first person to bring this point up in a long time that's why I (we) need more information so we can figure it out.

    Personally I would advise you to double check all of your mods and see if any of them alter/change any damage to your character and or any items in the game. Until you can provide more details I don't know what else I can suggest.


  • I made a new profile without any mods except for server value modifier (which i needed to give myself an altyn and a class 6 armor), i got shot right in the bulletproof visor with a vpo-101 loaded with m80 rounds, then i got shot on top of the head with a saiga 12 loaded with grizzly 40, still no concussion or tinnitus, it was succesfully triggered by a grenade though, i didn't use any meds that could have blocked the effect.

    I can confirm this issue was present in older versions too, i just completely forgot about it and i recently noticed it.

  • I don't think this was present in previous/older versions because I have 4 SPT's builds (3.7.6 - 3.7.5 - 3.7.4 - 3.7.1) all working with 0 mods with the concussion and tinnitus all working as intended so I really don't understand why it isn't working for you.

    Have you tried your game without SVM installed? I haven't used SVM for a long time and I don't know for sure if it affects sound or hearing in some way.


  • i have done the same test as before but with SVM uninstalled, still got a headshot with a revolving shotgun and the concussion effect wasn't triggered, oldest version i played was 2.3.1 and i had the same problem, i'm thinking could it be that i installed it wrong somehow? Or maybe it's because i installed both the main game and spt not on the C drive, idk i'm running out of ideas lol

  • Installing Tarkov and SPT on a different drive than the C: drive should not affect the concussion effect, as far as I am aware it doesn't.

    As I said earlier you're the only person to come forward in quite some time about not having the concussion or tinnitus effect not working properly so I'm at a complete loss as what to say or what to suggest. I have 4 SPT builds with the effect working as intended and I'm going to assume it's mod related or something has been changed in the files to minimise the concussion effect in your game but I could be wrong.


  • i'm currently trying to reinstall spt-aki without ever putting mods in it, maybe one of the mods changed a parameter that controlled the concussion effect and uninstalling the mod won't revert the change (i'm suspecting that SAIN is responsible for this), i'll let you know as soon as i figure out anything :D

  • i reinstalled aki without ever putting any mods, i manually modified server values to give me ragman lvl 4 to buy a zsh helmet with visor, got shot on top of the head with an adar loaded with m856 and still no concussion or tinnitus effect :(((.

    i ran out of options

  • I don't know what else to suggest then I'm sorry. At least it's not a game-breaking bug and you can still play, it'll just be less immersive for you.

    I hope you can find a way to get around it or someone can jump in and advise you more in the meantime.

    I will keep this thread open for you until Friday just in case someone else wants to comment and try to help you.


  • Kippa

    Changed the title of the thread from “No concussion effect when getting shot in the head” to “[Modded] No concussion effect when getting shot in the head”.
  • Kippa

    Closed the thread.
  • Kippa

    Set the Label from In progress to Unresolved

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