Server Crashing when loading into streets

  • Today i have enough time, and try out every map. Doing proper raids, take the time, questing etc.

    It worked! On avarage 20-21gb ram was in use, the peak was on streets (of course) with 26-27gb. 1440p, medium settings, bot amount as online.

    On the problematic maps the biggest issue was my fps. Sometimes is dropped to low 30's. On avarage 40-60. In the future i will work on that.

    So i can say the ram upgrade is worked.

    Tank you for your help and your support! 😉

    There are more things that can be done to improve your performance as your PC should be able to run with better FPS than that.

    For an AMD CPU you should be running the game with the "only use physical cores" option turned on. Also i use process lasso program to force the game to always only use physical cores and turn SMT off. There was a bug where the only use physical cores option only worked for the first raid. Not sure if it was fixed so i do this to make sure.

    Also you can change the boot.config file to force the game to better use your CPU to get greatly improved performance. If you do try this i would recommend setting "job worker count" option to 5 for your CPU. 1 less than your physical core count. To make this work the "only use physical cores" option must be turned on in the game menu.

    FPS Boost. Boost framerate with command line in boot.config. - AKI Mods Workshop

  • Thanks for the advice! Today evening i will try. I expected the low fps, im happy to be able to run these maps in the first case. Now i can work on the improvements. 😉

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