Infinite Loading Hideout & 2 others

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    If you prefer i can put them one by one but will take a while since there are 37.

    First thing first, it's 99% likely it's my fault, lots of mods, some conflicting with each other but they worked fine so far.

    Started New profile and Hideout would just go on infinite loading loop and I can't tell what's the issue. (Not big brain enough to read the error logs and understand what's the issue.)

    Error logs shows lots of "Item deserialization error: No parent with id hideout found for item" so i assume that might be the issue but I don't speak Coding so can't tell.

    I'm trying to remove mods one by one to check if it could be fixed with that somehow but I thought asking here as well just in case would be helpful too.

    On a side note I get sometimes a sort of screen corruption. It spreads a sort of black colour all over the screen for a minute or so, usually gets removed by pressing Esc and going back, only happened in Ground Zero map on first raid of the profile. Might need to make maybe a second thread for this tho.

    Also.... (I'm sorry) sometime game takes like 3 minutes to start raid with this error (check attachment) when it usually takes like 30 seconds.

    Please let me know if i need to make different Threads for each issue it's the first time i post anything here.

    If you need additional info, let me know.

    Edit: Added Mods image to attachments for faster check. First one "3.8.0" is Tyrian's Radar.

    Edit 3: Traced back the Infinite hideout loading screen to Raid Overhaul and/or Skills Extended mod, most likely a compatibility issue.

  • The Server Error screenshot you provided is to do with Lots Of Loot. This is probably conflicting with AllTheLoot and Pityloot. You shouldn't have all 3 installed at once as they all amend loot spawn chances.

    May not be related to your error but the pause mod can cause other issues in raid. Would recommend removing, but this is up to you.

    Longer raid load times will occur when using multiple mods that affect AI and In-raid settings. Raid Overhaul is most likely the main culprit of this.

    The random partial black screen in raid, specifically on Ground Zero, is an issue with EFT Live. Another way to temporarily fix is by using Amands graphics and using the hotkey.

    List of conflicting mods I can see:

    You do not need BetterSpawnsPlus installed with Swag+Donuts. Use one.

    You do not need NoBushESP installed as it is built in with SAIN. Use one. Would personally recommend using SAIN.

    Lots of Loot, All The Loot and Pity Loot all conflict as they all change loot spawn settings.

    Using mods that add custom gear may also conflict with bot generation.


    If removing the conflicting mods does not fix your issues. I would highly recommend applying the default SVM preset, backup your profile and all of your mods, test that you game is working with no errors, then start adding mods 1 or 2 at a time until the error occurs.

    To be honest, you have too many mods so diagnosing the exact issue will be difficult.

  • Tyvm for the help. Will filter the extra mods.

    Edit: There was another user commenting on the Hideout issue where he gets same thing but with the mod Skills Extended.
    so it might be a conflict between Raid Overhaul and Skills Extended in particular he was talking about the recent addition of "lockpick" skill in Skills Extended.

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