TeejayMerks added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreChanging the name of your custom trader images has never been easier!
You can also update the namelist.json file with any new traders you like just make sure its like this "TraderName": "traderimagename".
With the new way SPT stores the trader images, there is no need for a trader image switcher. The new method is much simpler.
First navigate to your 3.9.0 SPT Folder and double click on user to open it.
Then inside user you will now see a sptappdata double click on it to open it.
Inside the sptappdata you will see two folders live and files, double click on files to open it.
Inside files you will see a folder called trader, double click on it to open it.
Inside the trader folder you will see a folder called avatar, double click on it to open it.
You should now see the trader images that are cached for the game.
You can change these images to the ones you used the Trader Image Renamer to rename. launch the game once you are happy with your trader images and enjoy.