Critical error receiving profile data

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…eUg9htSxY9t2u8kvPtKzGfRU9
    BepInEx log file…FgLwGoYBZJeYPu7NkfTzRW1H2
    Server log file…xUzsEaZJq5hKKns7LZbgS6Cto
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    Greetings support team!

    I've downloaded the latest version of SPT today, uploaded 2 mods that i'm using (latest versions, compatible with 3.9.0) and then moved my user profile folder from SPT 3.8.3 version into the new folder. Once booting the server and the game, I've received the following error which I'll attach a picture off.

    Thank you for your support.

  • Doing that voids you of all future support just so you are aware.

    This project carries no guarantees anyway and never has.

    If the person asking can wring out another patch from his profile, then why not?

    Others like myself are willing to lend support where it can be arbitrarily withdrawn over minor issues that are easily remedied.

    Nothing more I can say really.

  • My post was removed for the reason:

    "Telling users to edit their profile and potentially bricking it. We do not support Editing profiles nor upgrading profiles. 3.8.x Profiles are not supported on 3.9.x"

    Removing posts because you or others disagree with it even if it is valid information is unnecessary censorship and or gate keeping of positions. Removing posts arbitrarily is bad practice unless they are illegal, the proper practice is to engage in debate.

    In this example, the users profile was already effectively bricked, they can not play on 3.9+ using this profile without a small change, so I'd love to hear the reasoning or position held for removing the solution.

  • 1. You are in SPT's General-Support Forum, converting a profile isn't supported here so yes its illegal.
    2. its not disagreement and not censoring its just getting shitload of support off from us helpers.
    3. the profile isn't bricked, its outdated and should not be used for 3.9, bricking is something else
    4. I guess, welcome to the team, all "bricked" profiles through converting support cases are yours now! :) <3

    Extra note: see the picture

    sorry for my broken english :) have great day! Your lovely cute seal helper :3

  • 1. Illegal as in the sense of against the Law in the Legislative sense, example discrimination & racism. Not supporting something does not mean something is illegal. That's what disclaimers are for.
    2. something that is said, that you do not agree with = disagreement. removing said content = censorship.
    3. the profile isn't bricked.. I said: effectively bricked.. as in something you cannot use going forward. its a simple concept.
    4. like I said in a previous post: Others like myself are willing to lend support where it can be arbitrarily withdrawn over minor issues that are easily remedied. Like I did in my deleted post.

    The whole point of SPT is so people can play the game in a way that they want to without some arbitrarily restriction up on high from BSG or the SPT team. The whole point of modding is so people can change the game to function in ways other than the way it was intended by BSG and for that matter SPT itself. Simply saying "its not arbitrary" mean nothing when the premise of enforcing a wipe is due to backward compatibility issues easily remedied by.. you guessed it.. mods and community input.

    Preventing people from doing something because you feel like you know better is the definition of gatekeeping: The activity of trying to control who gets particular resources, power, or opportunities, and who does not. By restricting people from creating these workarounds,

    you are 100% gate keeping and by removing community input you are censoring community support.

    From the main page on the website:

    We gladly help out new members with setting up the project to get started, and actively work on mods to customize SPT's experience to our liking. It is fully ran by the community. Want to be part of our choccy milk loving pub? Feel free to join right in!

    I guess the bottom line here, is that if you want to have a innovative community and an engaged community, the SPT team and its moderators should look at their ethos and come to a conclusion that they are either for what they advertise to stand for or not.

    • Official Post

    You put WAY too much effort into that post.

    You want a bastion of free speech where you can post whatever you want, go setup your own support forum where you can tell people how to do whatever you want, hosted on your own infrastructure, maintained by your own staff.

    While you are on our forum, you will abide by our rules, end of story :)

  • We remove posts that will cause our VOLUNTEER community helpers more work. This isn't a debate, this is a staff decision.

    Anyone that offers their time for free to aid with an issue is a volunteer, whether that be a moderator of this forum, a well established modder or Joe Bloggs that joined five minutes ago. if a particular issue is either too much work or not worth your time, then you simply move on to the next issue and let people who can help and are willing to help, indeed help.

    By shutting down any kind of conversation that could lead to peoples solutions, you kill innovation and engagement. Simply stating "This isn't a debate, this is a staff decision." is an authoritative position and in my opinion, not worth listening to unless it breaks the code or conduct of the forum.

  • You put WAY too much effort into that post.

    You want a bastion of free speech where you can post whatever you want, go setup your own support forum where you can tell people how to do whatever you want, hosted on your own infrastructure, maintained by your own staff.

    While you are on our forum, you will abide by our rules, end of story :)

    Ahh i see so, "do it my way or get lost".. okay. A sad position to see for sure.

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