How do i fix this? "Critical error receving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum In response to an item with the same key has already been added. Key: 084e10df49b40d3faab70bcb"

  • Server version
    SPT 3.9.1. but my profile is 3.9.0, but this still was happening since 3.9.0. and i do not want to delete my account
    Game client version
    Client log file…UFEph3hMbpxyCsWi5qnaZ6GgU
    BepInEx log file…GWNmWNqEGKyKYFUmsNPkR9at1
    Server log file…HV2ccxmeEkNQgBck56EznVrrt
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    the eft website
    List of used mods
    construction time instant, drakiaXYZ life flea prices, kentoze allammo 1.1.4, kiki bigger stash, less restricting headgear, sheepy simple season selector, tarkov stash v0.12.0, tomanw remove blacklist, zsolarint sain server mod

    please help me fix this, ive tried going to profile and doing cntrl f to find it and i can figure it out. please help me fix this

  • you have a 3.8.x Profil which is not compatible with 3.9.x. Theres a workaround but unfortunately I'm not allowed to reveal.

    This isn't an error to do with 3.8.X profiles.

    please help me fix this, ive tried going to profile and doing cntrl f to find it and i can figure it out. please help me fix this

    Can you upload your profile.json (Stored in user/profiles. Will be a bunch of numbers and letters) to that codepaste website and post a link here?

    Nevermind. You've got it resolved in the discord.

    Edited once, last by HB_ ().

  • I get the same critical error.

    I tried the profile modification uploader but it did not improve the situation.

    The conditions under which the error occurred are

    (1) Going out with scav.

    (2) Death by scav at ground zero.

    When I fulfill the conditions 1 and 2, the error occurs at about the time of loading the battle record screen in the lobby screen after the end of the game.

    Critical error occurs.

    I don't know about death by scav in other areas.

    No error has occurred so far in case of death by PMC.

    Translated with (free version)

  • the conditions you say are true... when i went scav and died or got out, I got the profile error. Let's wait for them to fix it in a future version

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