Accepting task causes infinite loading icon/server hang

  • So after deciding to try out SPT-AKI again after a few months, I did my usual. Trawl through the new mods section and download any that piequed my interest. Dragged them all into AKI's mods folder, configured them (hopefully) correctly, launched the server, launched the game. Created and named a new PMC, started inspecting everything.

    All was well.

    Then I accepted Prapor's first task: Debut, and noticed that the little spinning loading symbol was stuck in the bottom right corner of my screen, and then I noticed that everything was stuck. I couldn't accept anymore tasks, couldn't move anything to and from the stash, trader inventories wouldn't load etc. So I closed the game, reopened it, same thing happened again on accepting Therapist's first task. Closed the game again, and then pressed log-out on the launcher, and noticed that it wasn't connecting to the server.

    Took a look at the server log, nothing seemed out of the ordinary error-wise to my untrained eyes. Took a look at the client log, and noticed that there was indeed a big error. That was as far as my own (poor) troubleshooting attempt went.

  • Issue persisted even after temporarily removing all mods. Same error as in client log linked above. Deleted AKI game folder, restored 12.10.12646 backup and ran integrity check via BSG's launcher, nothing found.

    Will let BSG Launcher redownload fresh 12.10.12646 files just in case something happened to be seriously borked with my files that even the BSG Launcher couldn't detect. Currently 1:46 AM, so sleep time for me whilst it downloads.

    Edited once, last by notAlig ().

  • Always make sure to back up your profile before adding/deleting any mods they may or may not be compatible with the latest AKI version and make sure to double check that your mods are up-to-date!

    I see there's a few of the mods you listed above are outdated, incompatible mods tend to cause issues some are visible and some aren't noticed or shown in the logs you just have to dig around until they disappear, that's pretty much what I tend to do and my game runs fairly decently with the occasional error and/or mod incompatibility.

    Sometimes a fresh install can alleviate any issues and problems but like I said most of these issues come from outdated mods, I hope this somewhat helps you man.


  • Sometimes a fresh install can alleviate any issues and problems but like I said most of these issues come from outdated mods, I hope this somewhat helps you man.


    I tested with three separate profiles. The profile used when I originally encountered the error, a test profile I made after removing a few mods to see if they were the culprits, and then another new test one after removing all mods.

    Fresh reinstall of EFT fixed everything anyway. I assume I had a bad EFT file (or a couple) somehow, as the issue no longer occured on a fresh AKI 1.4.4 install with no mods installed, and no longer occured once I put all the mods back either. Tested on fresh profile, and even the old profiles worked fine too. Oh well, all's well that ends well, I guess.

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