Craftable reward items for completed missions do not appear in the hideout to be crafted

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    Hello. I am currently at level 51 and until then, all items that can be created in the hideout through quests rewards do not appear in my hideout. So far I've only played with ammunition and items found in raids. Can you help me?

    For example: I completed the quest The huntsman path - outcasts which, as a reward, gives me the ability to create AP-20s. However, this possibility does not appear in my level 3 workbench.

  • This is an issue in the version of SPT you are using, and was resolved in a later version.

    You need to update your SPT to 3.9.8 - this however will not retroactively add those crafts. You will need to edit your profile in Profile Editor to give yourself those crafts.

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