Jehree added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreDoes what it says on the tin!
Use this with Leave It There to set up your own little space in raid where you can store your things in peace without bots breathing down your neck!
- Doors will have a prompt to lock or unlock them.
- Locked doors cannot be opened by bots, and also have nav-mesh obstacles attached to them so bots will know the area is inaccessible and won't try to enter in the first place.
- Doors that are locked will persist between raids.
- Doors must be closed and unlocked in order to be locked by you. If you unlock a door with a key such as marked room, then lock it again, it will work but will not persist in the next raid and will not count towards your locked limits in the next raid unless re-locked.
- run unlock_all_player_locked_doors command in '~' console to unlock all player locked doors on the map you are currently on.
- Door Randomizer compatible.
- Any door that is randomly opened will lose it's locked state and not count towards your locked limits unless re-locked.
- Fika compatible.
- Number of doors you are allowed to lock per map limited.
- Both the number of doors per map, as well as the entire limit system itself can be tweaked in the F12 config menu.