Definitive Weapon Variants

  • Szonszczyk added a new file:

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  • hey man sorry to bother you I did all the install direction and it showed up red in the server list [Szonszczyk-DefinitiveWeaponVariants] Warning: config.jsonc not found at D:\SPT\user\mods\Szonszczyk-DefinitiveWeaponVariants\config\config.jsonc, loading defaultConfig.jsonc instead. Please consider configuring this mod for better experience I copied the defaultconfig and changed it to config.jsonc. is this normal, also should they be on the flea for sell the should up but the list is empty. Thanks man

  • hey man sorry to bother you I did all the install direction and it showed up red in the server list [Szonszczyk-DefinitiveWeaponVariants] Warning: config.jsonc not found at D:\SPT\user\mods\Szonszczyk-DefinitiveWeaponVariants\config\config.jsonc, loading defaultConfig.jsonc instead. Please consider configuring this mod for better experience I copied the defaultconfig and changed it to config.jsonc. is this normal, also should they be on the flea for sell the should up but the list is empty. Thanks man

    Please read file defaultConfig.jsonc that is located in path stated in the message

  • Hello!

    Love your mod, are you only able to find these weapons in scav boxes, air drops, and cultist? I have looked in many weapon boxes, on enemy pmcs etc. and found nothing. If that is not a part of the mod is there a way to add the variants into the default weapon loot pool? like in weapon boxes or on the stands that hold guns and ammo?

  • Hello!

    Love your mod, are you only able to find these weapons in scav boxes, air drops, and cultist? I have looked in many weapon boxes, on enemy pmcs etc. and found nothing. If that is not a part of the mod is there a way to add the variants into the default weapon loot pool? like in weapon boxes or on the stands that hold guns and ammo?

    Unfortunately I was not able to make variant weapons spawn in container (weapon boxes etc.) to work and I don't know what was exactly the issue. Regarding spawning on enemies: you need to have APBS mod and change a few setting in it to have variants to spawn on enemies. I hope that helps!

  • Hello!

    Thanks for the quick reply, i went through the configs and I thought I had changed the right settings to allow abps to work with your mod but i haven’t found any variants on any ai. Could you tell me which settings i have to change in the configs to allow it exactly? Thanks in advance!

  • Hello!

    Thanks for the quick reply, i went through the configs and I thought I had changed the right settings to allow abps to work with your mod but i haven’t found any variants on any ai. Could you tell me which settings i have to change in the configs to allow it exactly? Thanks in advance!

    That's probably because you have too low level for them to spawn.

    There is line in APBS config "initalTierAppearance", please change this to 1. Of course make sure you have "enableModdedWeapons" set to true. After this you can also check logs in APBS to confirm if Variants are spawning on enemies.

  • Szonszczyk added a new version:

  • Szonszczyk added a new version:

  • Szonszczyk added a new version:

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