Szonszczyk added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreAcidPhantasm - Progressive Bot System (APBS) is highly recommended!
Hood - Gambler Trader is highly recommended!
The mod was originally created to add unique, OP, strange, or gimmicky weapons for The Gambler. However, it has since grown into a standalone mod that offers something beyond its original scope. The core premise is that weapon variants must be somehow earned to use them. Some of these variants are imbalanced, handle differently, or simply serve as upgrades to existing weapons.
One major challenge was figuring out how to introduce so many variants into the game without overwhelming players or traders. Instead of adding all variants to existing traders or creating a new trader with an impractical number of options (imagine scrolling through hundreds of weapons), I leveraged other mods—namely, APBS and The Gambler. These mods provided the necessary tools (APBS is adding variants to enemies, Gambler provides opportunity to gamble for random variants) to address this issue, though some manual adjustments are required. Despite these changes, the process is quick and manageable.
- 462 new weapons
- 42 variant types, each including their own flavour text and description
- 7 different qualities, each identified by color-coded names and backgrounds (better with ColorConverterAPI)
- Manipulate each variant as you see fit and add new weapons to variant types, even from mods
- Generate files for compatibility with APBS and TheGambler based on your preferences
- Allow or blacklist weapon variants based on rarity from airdrop, Fence, and flea market
- Compatible with all 3.11 SPT versions, download for 3.10/3.9 version is available on the GitHub page
- Compatible with all quests (see weapon descriptions for details)
Installation Steps
1. Download the Mod: Obtain the mod by clicking blue Download button
2. Unpack the Mod: Extract the contents of the downloaded file to a suitable location
3. Move the User Folder:
- Locate the "user" folder within the extracted mod files
- Transfer this folder into the main SPT directory
Configuration Steps
The configuration file is located in the following path:
- Path: SPT\user\mods\Szonszczyk-DefinitiveWeaponVariants\config
1. Copy the Default Config File:
- Make a copy of the "defaultConfig.jsonc" file
- Rename the copied file to "config.jsonc"
2. Modify Configuration Settings:
- Open the newly renamed "config.jsonc" file for editing
- Adjust the settings as needed according to your preferences
Ultimate quality - variant capable of outperforming even the best modified weapons
Meta Variant
"Weapon variant with reduced recoil, improved ergonomics, and decreased heat buildup, offering no drawbacks"
9A-91 | AVT-40 | AK-12 | G36 | M4A1 | MCX SPEAR | Mk47 | SA-58 | AS VAL | PPSh-41 | PKP | RPK-16 | M60E6 | AK-102 | HK 416A5 | AKM | Saiga-12K FA
Lapua Variant
"Weapon variant chambered with .338 Lapua Magnum caliber and compatible with all .338 magazines but with increased recoil and heat buildup"
SAG AK | TX-15 DML | G28 | M1A | RSASS | AS VAL | AK-74 | T-5000M | VSK-94 | X-17
Overclocked & Automatic Variant
"Weapon variant with a full-auto fire mode only, featuring an increased fire rate and improved cooling capabilities, but reduced ergonomics"
OP-SKS | RFB | VPO-209 | SR-25 | RSASS | M1A | Glock 19X | SR-1MP | USP .45 | Glock 18C
Heavy Machine Gun Variant
"A weapon variant with full-auto fire mode only, featuring lower vertical recoil, significantly higher horizontal recoil, and an increased fire rate"
PKM | RPDN | M60E6 | HK 416A5 | RPK-16 | Mk 43 Mod 1 | PKP | RPD
Anti-materiel rifle Variant
"A weapon variant chambered in the 12.7x108mm caliber with a single small magazine, increased horizontal recoil, and only capable of Misfire malfunctions. Uses normal and special 'one-shot' ammo, available from Skier LL1"
Mosin Sniper | AXMC | M700 | OP-SKS | SVT-40 | AVT-40 | MP-43-1C | MP-18 | MP-43 sawed-off | Blicky | FN40GL | TRG M10
Point & Click Variant
"Weapon variant with low recoil and dispersion, an exceptionally high fire rate, a 5-round burst fire mode, and immunity to malfunctions, but causing increased wear to the weapon's durability"
STM-9 | SAG AK | SVT-40 | TX-15 DML | VSS | Vector 9x19 | ASh-12
Superior quality - variant that offers outstanding performance
Automatic Variant
"Weapon variant with only a full-auto fire mode, featuring an increased fire rate but reduced ergonomics"
TX-15 DML | G28 | M1A | Mk-18 | RSASS | SR-25 | SVDS | OP-SKS | RFB | SAG AK | SAG AK Short | VPO-101 | VPO-209 | ADAR 2-15 | STM-9 | FN 5-7 | M9A3 | M45A1 | PL-15 | TT | Desert Eagle L5 .357 | Desert Eagle Mk XIX | Saiga-12K | Glock 17
Marksman Variant
"Weapon variant with the fire mode changed to Single/Burst, featuring reduced recoil and no weapon malfunctions"
MCX | MCX SPEAR | Mk47 | SA-58 | SCAR-H | SCAR-L | AK-12 | AK-74N | AK-103 | DT MDR 7.62x51 | VSS | P90 | M4A1 | AK-105 | AKM | ASh-12 | M60E6
Handy Variant
"Weapon variant with significantly enhanced ergonomics, allowing for improved handling, faster aim transitions, and reduced fatigue during prolonged use"
T-5000M | Mosin Sniper | SV-98 | DVL-10 | AXMC | SCAR-H | M700 | Mosin Infantry | VPO-215 | PPSh-41 | Vector .45 | AK-74 | AKMSN | TRG M10
Karabin Spetsialniy Variant
"A shotgun variant chambered in 23x75mmR, featuring a special 12-round magazine and no interclip reload-for that true carbine experience!"
M3 Super 90 | 590A1 | M870 | MP-133 | MP-153 | MP-155
Assault Rifle Variant
"Pistol chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO, compatible with all M4A1 magazines"
PM(t) | APB | MP-443 Grach | P226R | TT Gold | M9A3 | PL-15 | M45A1 | M1911A1 | Desert Eagle L5 .50 AE
Endless Variant
"Weapon variant with a magazine that's heavy and bulky, but incredibly spacious"
SA-58 | RFB | RSASS | AKM | RD-704 | OP-SKS | AUG A3 | M4A1 | TX-15 DML | P90 | STM-9 | Vector 9x19 | MPX | Vector .45 | UMP 45 | MP7A2
Anti-materiel revolver Variant
"A revolver variant chambered in the 12.7x108mm caliber with increased horizontal recoil. Uses normal 12.7x108mm caliber ammo, available from Skier LL1"
RSh-12 | CR 50DS | CR 200DS | MTs-255-12
Blackout Variant
"Weapon variant chambered in both .300 Blackout and 5.56x45mm NATO rounds, featuring reduced recoil and improved ergonomics"
HK 416A5 | AUG A1 | SCAR-L | AUG A3 | DT MDR 5.56x45 | M4A1 | G36 | ADAR 2-15 | TX-15 DML | MCX | Velociraptor .300 BLK | AK-101 | AK-102
Advanced quality - variant that offers better performance than standard weapons
Overclocked Variant
"Weapon variant with an increased fire rate and enhanced cooling capabilities, but slightly reduced ergonomics"
AK-12 | AK-104 | AUG A1 | HK 416A5 | MCX | MCX SPEAR | SA-58 | AS VAL | MP7A2 | MPX | P90 | PPSh-41 | Vector .45 | PKM | RPD | RPDN | UZI PRO Pistol
Downgraded Variant
"Weapon variant with most statistics reduced, including decreased burst count (for weapons with burst fire), recoil, ergonomics, fire rate, velocity and heat buildup"
Mk47 | SCAR-L | MCX SPEAR | AK-74N | AK-103 | AKS-74U | AKS-74N | PM | PB | APS | PP-91-01 Kedr-B | PP-91 Kedr | Glock 17 | MP5K-N | Saiga-9 | MP7A1 | SR-3M
Light Machine Gun Variant
"Weapon variant chambered in 7.62x54r ammunition, compatible only with a 100-round magazine. It features increased recoil, a lowered fire rate, and a full-auto fire mode exclusively"
HK 416A5 | M4A1 | SA-58 | RD-704 | AKM | AK-12 | MCX | VPO-136 | RPK-16 | Blicky
Shotgun Variant
"Weapon variant chambered in the 12/70 shotgun caliber, compatible with Saiga-12K magazines, but featuring increased recoil and a low fire rate"
HK 416A5 | MCX | MCX SPEAR | SA-58 | AS VAL | UMP 45 | MP7A2 | FN 5-7 | STM-9 | VPO-101 | AKS-74 | RPDN | RPD | Velociraptor .300 BLK
Unbreakable Variant
"Weapon variant immune to durability damage, overheating, and malfunctions"
AS VAL | VSS | AVT-40 | M4A1 | PKP | MP5 | VPO-101
Hypersonic Variant
"Weapon variant with exceptionally high velocity and accuracy, but limited to a single-fire mode"
Mk-18 | ASh-12 | RD-704 | G28 | M1A | RSASS | MP-18 | RSh-12
Sniper Variant
"Shotgun weapon variant with increased velocity and accuracy"
KS-23M | M3 Super 90 | M870 | MP-133 | MP-153 | Saiga-12K | TOZ-106 | 590A1
Speedy Variant
"Weapon variant with an increased fire rate, but also higher recoil"
MP5 | PP-19-01 | SR-2M | UMP 45 | MP7A2 | MPX | P90 | PPSh-41 | Vector .45 | Vector 9x19 | AK-102 | RPK-16 | Mk 43 Mod 1 | UZI | X-17
No-Bolt Variant
"Bolt action, but it is now DMR"
T-5000M | SV-98 | DVL-10 | M700 | VPO-215 | TRG M10
Niche quality - variant that is best used in very specific circumstances and situations
Pocket-size Variant
"This weapon fits in one hand and can be equiped in holster slot. With a boost to ergonomics and almost weightless!"
FN40GL | M32A1 | AXMC | AKMSN | M60E6 | UMP 45 | Velociraptor .300 BLK
Rifle Grenade Launcher Variant
"Weapon variant chambered in 40mm grenades, with no magazine. Just load grenade launcher rounds directly into the chamber"
MP-43-1C | MP-18 | Blicky | AXMC | Mk-18 | OP-SKS | SV-98 | Mosin Infantry | SAG AK Short | ADAR 2-15 | TRG M10
Bombardier Variant
"A revolver that dreams of being a grenade launcher"
RSh-12 | CR 50DS | CR 200DS | MTs-255-12
Baseline quality - variant that performs on par with the original weapon
Modified Variant
"Weapon variant in equilibrium with the universe, featuring adjustments to various aspects: reduced vertical recoil but increased horizontal recoil, improved ergonomics, lowered fire rate, increased heat buildup, and reduced weight"
TX-15 DML | VSK-94 | AK-74N | AK-104 | AUG A3 | Mk47 | RD-704 | MP7A2
SMG Variant
"Weapon variant chambered in 4.6x30mm HK caliber, featuring reduced recoil and an exceptionally high single-fire rate"
TX-15 DML | G28 | M1A | Mk-18 | RSASS | SR-25 | SVDS | AK-105 | AUG A1 | AKS-74 | VPO-209 | G36
Close Quarters Variant
"Modified to use 12.7x55mm rounds, excelling in close-quarters combat with unparalleled stopping power"
SVDS | SV-98 | DVL-10 | AKM | AK-74N | VPO-215 | OP-SKS | VSS | SAG AK | AK-101 | AK-104 | AVT-40 | X-17
20/70 Variant
"Shotgun variant chambered in 20ga shotgun cartridges"
KS-23M | M3 Super 90 | 590A1 | M870 | MP-43-1C | MP-133 | MP-153 | MP-155 | MP-43 sawed-off | Saiga-12K | AA-12 Gen 2 | Saiga-12K FA
Shotgun-o-Revolver Variant
"Revolver variant converted to fire shotgun shells. Because sometimes six big booms are better than six small ones"
CR 200DS | CR 50DS | RSh-12
World War II Variant
"Bootleg of the PPSh-41. It even has the same fire rate and immunity to malfunctions! On top of that, it boasts low recoil"
MCX | TX-15 DML | VSK-94 | Vector 9x19 | MCX SPEAR | Mk-18 | ASh-12 | RSASS | AK-74N | AK-101
Flawed quality - variant that delivers worse performance than the original weapon
Panic Variant
"Shotguns limited to a MaxRounds Powermag 20-round magazine, featuring a full-auto fire mode, increased recoil, and a higher fire rate"
KS-23M | M3 Super 90 | 590A1 | M870 | MP-133 | MP-153 | MP-155 | TOZ-106 | AA-12 Gen 1
Control-Fire Variant
"Weapon variant with only a full-auto fire mode but offering better controllability due to a low fire rate and no recoil"
TX-15 DML | G28 | M1A | Mk-18 | RSASS | SR-25 | SVDS | OP-SKS | RFB | SAG AK | VPO-101
Pistol Variant
"Bolt-action rifles with significantly improved accuracy and handling, but chambered in the 9x18 pistol caliber"
T-5000M | SV-98 | DVL-10 | M700 | AXMC | VPO-215 | Desert Eagle L6 | TRG M10
Upgraded Variant
"Weapon variant with most statistics enhanced, including increased burst count (for weapons with burst fire), recoil, ergonomics, fire rate, velocity, heat buildup, and weight"
Mk47 | SCAR-L | MCX SPEAR | AK-74N | AK-103 | AKS-74U | AKS-74N | PM | PB | APS | PP-91-01 Kedr-B | PP-91 Kedr | Glock 17 | MP5K-N | Saiga-9 | MP7A1 | SR-3M
No-Scope Variant
"Weapon variant missing scope slot"
G36 | ASh-12 | DT MDR 5.56x45 | DT MDR 7.62x51 | Vector 9x19 | Vector .45 | RSASS
Mid-Range Variant
"Weapon variant chambered in 9x39mm caliber"
T-5000M | SV-98 | DVL-10 | M700 | AXMC | VPO-215 | TRG M10
Meme quality - variant that may be unusable in most situations
Fullburst Variant
"Weapon variant with a 100-round burst fire mode only, featuring reduced fire rate and recoil, but with an increased chance of jamming due to higher heat buildup"
M4A1 | SA-58 | AK-74M | SKS | VSK-94 | AK-103 | PP-9 Klin | AKS-74UB | AKS-74UN | AKMN | AKMS | Glock 18C | SR-3M | Saiga-12K FA
Broken Variant
"Weapon variant that suffers massive durability damage with each shot and has a very high chance of mechanical malfunction"
M4A1 | SA-58 | AK-74M | SKS | VSK-94 | AK-103 | DT MDR 5.56x45 | MCX SPEAR | MP9 | MP9-N | PP-9 Klin | AKS-74UB | AKS-74UN | AKMN | AKMS | AA-12 Gen 1 | MP-43 sawed-off
Tornado Variant
"Weapon variant with full-auto fire only, insane vertical recoil, and no stabilization point"
SA-58 | Saiga-12K | AK-74M | RSASS | Mk47 | VPO-136 | AK-101 | MP9 | DT MDR 5.56x45 | AK-105 | AK-74
Dung Spreader Variant
"A weapon variant with unbelievably bad spread. Even landing a hit on your enemy will be an achievement in itself"
M4A1 | SA-58 | MCX | Mk47 | AUG A3 | Glock 18C | UZI PRO SMG | MP9-N | MCX SPEAR | AK-102 | AKS-74
Adding weapon or modded weapon to existing variant
- Using short name from src/references/shortNames.ts
- If you want to add weapon from mod, you need to add it to src/references/shortNames.ts:
"TT Gold": "5b3b713c5acfc4330140bd8d",
"M700 .277": "0af5f6a5aa9712e11c733fb9"
- Using variant name from db/Variants ("Anti-materiel rifle", not "AMR")
- Create new .json file in db/Variants folder named "addedWeapons.json" (or any other name):
Adding new variant type
- Create new .json file in db/Variants folder named after your variant (VARIANTNAME.json):
CodeDisplay More{ "FullName of variant": { "Description": "Flavour text of variant type", "Explanation": "What changes were made in this variant", "ShortName": "Short name of variant", "props": { "prop Name": "New prop value", "prop Name 1": "+300%/+20 - add 300% of original value to original value / add 20 to original value", "prop Name 2": "Anything else - replace original value with new value", }, "additionalChanges": { "Chambers": { "patron_in_weapon": "Array of mongoid of allowed ammunition to be used with gun or mongoid of weapon to copy filter from (remember, it needs to have chamber!)" }, "Slots": { "mod_NAME": "Array of mongoid of allowed attachments in slot or mongoid of weapon to copy filter from. Adding blank array '[]' will remove slot" }, "minimum": { "prop Name": "Minimum value - it overwrites original value if this value is higher" }, "shortName of weapon": { "propName": "New prop value - will be added at the end of generation, not affected by props changes, but needs propName to be in both places" } }, "Weapons": ["array of short names", "from", "src/references/shortNames.ts"], "rarity": "rarity name - can be found in db/Variants/raritySettings.json" } }
- You can change:
Property of weapon - recoil, ergonomics and much more
Filters in Chambers - which ammo can use this weapon
Filters in Slots - which attachments can be used in slot
All of the above only for specific weapon
"Extended" Compatibility:
- AcidPhantasm - Progressive Bot System (APBS): blacklists.json file can be generated based on config file (APBS 1.7.2+ is required)
- Hood - The Gambler: Weapons.ts file can be generated based on config file (will use original Weapons.ts from mod installation as base)
Full Compatibility:
- GhostFenixx - Server Value Modifier (SVM): This mod should be loaded before Weapon Variants
- Fika: Tested and confirmed to work
- Mods that introduce new attachments should be loaded before Weapon Variants
Partial Compatibility:
- Mods that introduce new magazines may not add them to all variant types
- BALIST0N - Kalashnikov Enhanced Modding - will work with this mod, but will disable a few variants
Not Compatible:
- Fontaine - SPT Realism Mod - my mod is the furthest from realism you can get. Realism patch can be made, but I didn't look into it yet
- Mods altering weapon handling may cause issues, potentially breaking weapons or causing conflicts
Don't see your favourite weapon in your favourite variant?
Some weapon variant handles strange? Or is broken in some way?
You have experience in modding weapons and can help me balance or change further some variants?
Reach me out on discord, at "Szonszczyk", and tell me all about it!
Based on code by GroovypenguinX
About half of the weapon variants were suggested by Amidorak
Play tested by Amidorak
Honorable mentions:
Hood - this mod was created to simply add new weapons to loot boxes. Oh well...
AcidPhantasm - for easy adding variants to enemies via APBS. Bots shooting Fullburst variant are the best
DeadLeaves - I found your code for text colors in Fika discord and added them to this mod