Game failing to launch - Bleeding Edge Release Candidate

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    Hi Guys,

    I know that there isn't actual support being provided for the bleeding edge releases but since I have tried A9 and now RC1 I have been getting oddly stuck when it comes to launching the game.

    As soon as I launch the game, it immediately closes and checking the logs it's checking for EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe which doesn't exist as it gets automatically deleted as it's not required for this.

    Anyone happen to know the work around for this?

    I have Aki 1.5.1 setup and it starts without any issues even after using the patcher.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I have thought through various options but none come to fruition but I know that for some it just launches without issues as per "reviews" left when A9 was made available.

    They way I have setup the latest folder is just a straight copy from Live to a separate folder to install AKI just like previous iterations.

    Would like to help testing this :)

  • I have the same exact issue, down to the T. I will be watching this thread.

    in the errors log this shows up : "2021-09-10 20:18:02.839 -07:00||Error|FilesChecker|Consistency ensurance failed. File not exist. File: "EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe". ElapsedMilliseconds:89"

  • As soon as I launch the game, it immediately closes and checking the logs it's checking for EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe which doesn't exist as it gets automatically deleted as it's not required for this.

  • Hey Mate, i have the Same Issue. It Should be the right Version of Tarkov und rigth pathcer. I Also used the down Patcher.

    I Hope SmBD will help us both :)

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