Server launches, but the launcher gets stuck when I am using a specific character profile (Default server SPT-AKI is not available)

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    The whole issue is really weird. I can launch the server just fine. When I start the launcher, it gets stuck on "Connecting" and after that, I get the message "Default server SPT-AKI is not available".

    THE CRUCIAL THING IS it only happens when my main profile file is in the "Profiles" folder. When I remove it and use for example a different profile (old or new) the launcher works fine, I can log in, start the game, start a raid, finish it, trade etc. However, when my main profile file is in the folder alongside others, I can't log to either (it also gets stuck on "Connecting").

    Another thing I can't explain is the fact that I got this bug almost a month ago. I got back to AKI this week and all of a sudden everything works fine. It actually worked fine for a few days, then the same issue for a day. Then the next day the problem is gone for almost a whole day and now is present again.

    That's why I suspect something is wrong with my profile alone. The thing is I am using Adrudis Quest Maniac so I have already started and finished a huge amount of quests. Also after many hours, I have really A LOT of stuff in my stash (something like 9 full Scav Cases and a ton of other containers with gear and loot). Could it be the case that my profile file is too big and causes issues with the launcher? It doesn't however explain why the problem could come and go a few times already since my stash got even bigger along this time.

    Other suspects are dynamic values like fuel in generator or Flea Market prices.

  • The main profile file is 3050 KB so quite big although I started to get this problem while it was around 2500 KB. Back then (while it was 2500) I removed other profiles (which were around 300 KB combined) and it solved the problem for a while. That's why I suspect there's a certain limit of the profile folder size that the server can handle.

    I also tried to kind of reduce it to around 2000 KB by editing it. I just deleted records of loot in the stash. I don't think it got corrupted during the process since I didn't get any errors in the file. Still, it didn't solve the problem.

    I removed all the mods (which were around 500 MB large) and I got still the same problem. I don't think there's something wrong with the mods, since other small profiles run on them just fine.

  • This is the first time I encounter issue like this. To be honest, I had no time to complete more than 1000 of 4000 quests of QuestManiac on the same profile because it is still in development and most of the time I had to restart and test specific bundles.

    Final version of the mod will contain about 5000+ core quests... I'll try to reproduce you issue by making all quests available from the start and accepting them all, but it will take some time to do this. And because final version is developed for AKI 2.0 I probably will not be able to provide solution for 1.5.0 but at least I want to confirm theory about too large profile file - then I'll try to discuss with other devs what can be done about it if it is really problem with the size of the file.

  • In server.json and aki-config (I guess you mean your mod Ereshkigal-AkiConfigurator) it's

        "ip": "",
        "port": 443

    I haven't touched these values.

    It's really interesting that it loads on your side. I tried to make a "fresh start" so I copied EFT files to a new folder, downgraded from to, installed 1.5.0 and copied the profile we are talking about. Whether I loaded the same mods or not, I got the same issue.

    Any ideas what is going on? Maybe something is wrong with the resources of my PC so it can't properly handle the server.

    Did you use specific mods or different config stuff on your side while you were testing my profile?

    Edited once, last by Danersx ().

  • So I kind of resolved the issue.

    I created a new profile and copied stash and character data (exp, skills, kills etc.) from my main profile to it. I didn't copy the quests though. Turned out the new profile works fine.

    Looks like profile size is not the problem (it's still quite big (~ 2200 KB). Guess something was wrong with the quests. For a long time I had an issue with Polikhim Hobo bug and other multiple choice related quests. Or the problem was caused by too many quests from Quest Maniac.

  • It didn't work.

    As I mentioned in the recent post, I copied my stash to a new character. However this profile also got stuck after a while.

    I tested it again and completed a lot of quests from your mod but the problem didn't occur so far.

    Now I think there can be a problem with a mod Sell to Flea Market by Very Gery. My main profile got stuck again when I put a lot of stuff for sell on Flea (especially guns). I did the same with the recent profile and it also got stuck.

    Is there a way to find in my profile offers on the Flea or anything related to Ragfair etc.?

  • Oh, boy, it actually worked! I deleted my Offers section and managed to bring back my main profile with all the loot and quest progression!

    I also managed to replicate the bug - turns out that when I added an item on the flea that didn't sell and then (the crucial part) was returned to me the profile got stuck no matter the loot stash or amount of quests finished.

    Thank you all very much for help. I don't want to close the thread already as I want to also confirm, whether the bug was caused by selling on the flea in general or because in order to do so I was using a version of the mod that turns out wasn't fully compatible with my AKI version.

  • I don't want to close the thread already as I want to also confirm, whether the bug was caused by selling on the flea in general or because in order to do so I was using a version of the mod that turns out wasn't fully compatible with my AKI version.

    Ok, please report to mod author your findings if you'll be sure it is a mod.

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