Scav Cat Trader Mod

  • DonutxLord added a new file:

  • DonutxLord added a new version:


    Scav Cat sells cases. His cases are much cheaper. And his insurance return is always guaranteed.

    Big thanks to Space,an for updating this mod. Go and check out his work FN Waffle

  • I'm having a bizarre problem with Scav Cat. Whenever I examine items from other vendors, the examined items will stay examined and I will be credited with the examination xp for those. If I then close the game and server and restart, I will have maintained all examined items along with their xp points.

    Now, if I do the same but before closing the game I go to Scav Cat and examine all of his items too, I will get examination AND xp points from his items as well BUT the moment I close the game and server and restart, there will a) be no xp credit of his examined items to my total and b) worst of all, It wil have cancelled my xp gain from other vendors as well and all the items I had examined from them during that specific game session, will have reverted to unknown status as well.

  • I've tested all my mods and found that scav cat causes me to not be able to buy clothes from ragman, it gives me this error and a backend error behind that. I have no clue why. ( I am 100% sure it is scav cat mod)

    The first picture is with the other mods I use, (shown in my second picture)

    The third picture is what happens when I use scav cat trader alone by itself, it just removes the service page and the top altogether.

    Server version: 1.0.0-B3

    Game Client Version:

    Client log link:…aJhSbxUwMUDTGzabq8BtPLcEL

    Server logs link:…QvUo5WjSxA5z8yhKipYBAzsfy

  • Scav Cat works perfectly fine for me but I did have a problem with the Gray clothing mod, when I go to Ragman services and try to buy trousers or jackets my game would have a constant buffering circle and error messages in my local server. I then deleted the Gray mod and everything worked as intended.

    Also in All In One mod make sure these are set to False -

    "AllClothesFree": false,

    "AllClotheForEverySide": false,

    These settings were causing my game to have error messages and time outs for what ever reason.


  • DonutxLord added a new version:

  • DonutxLord added a new version:

  • Well, I tried to repair a vest with ScavCat, it crashed my game, and now this shows up whenever i start the game, even when i delete or put the mod back in.

    Same thing just happened to me. Game closes after pressing "OK"

    I posted this temporary fix on another thread and it seemed to of worked for the person who posted it originally.

    "I had this problem before and I did this to fix it temporarily:

    Go in to your user/profiles and double click your profile, edit the profile with Notepad++ or what ever you use and press CTRL + F, then search for SCAVCAT.

    There should be 1 instance for this and it should look like this:-

    SCAVCAT": {

    "currentLevel": 1,

    "currentSalesSum": 539300, <<<<< (if this line says 'null' there is something wrong, more than likely the ScavCat mod)

    "currentStanding": 0.2,

    "NextLoyalty": null,

    "loyaltyLevels": {

    "0": {

    "minLevel": 1,

    "minSalesSum": 0,

    "minStanding": 0

    I can't say for certain why this happens, you may need to do this every time you start your local server because I had to do this. As for what you should put there I'm not really sure, I think this just shows how much Rubbles I currently have but I would have to look in to this myself to make sure.

    Give this a try and let me know if this works!"


  • You sir are a GOD SEND. It worked, no idea why but it did. THANK YOU

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