Hello, any news about this issue ? Did it got solved ?
Posts by SPT Team
Hello, your logs aren't available anymore, please when giving us your logs, put the time for more than 1 week.
Copy back official content into your AKI installation (copy eft(live)/EscapeFromTarkov_Data/StreamingAssets/ folder into AkiInstallation/EscapeFromTarkov_Data)
Upload your logs again by updating your main post please. -
FriendlyScav Can you give us the full game path of your AKI installation ?
Having special characters in the game path (in one of your folder name) is known to cause this kind of issue. -
Hello, this is not something that have his place here.
Please use guilded for this kind of questions next time.
You can join the guilded here: https://guilded.gg/senkospubClosing the thread.
You have got to be joking, this is the fix, I can log in and access my profile now.
I'll get back after I play a few raids and fiddle about in-game, to see if there are any additional bugs, or if it runs fine now.Seems like the issue is solved.
I'm now closing the thread. -
Hello, the thread is getting closed for inactivity. If your issue persists, please create a new thread.
Hello, this is most likely caused by a mod.
Your logs are also wrong, we ask for the entire log, not just the part you decide to show us.
Update your logs to the full one and/or remove the outdated mod that is causing it. -
Hello, please put more than 1 week as time for the codepastes you are making.
Later edit :
I changed all the items to be identified by default it the server items database, switching "ExaminedByDefault": false to "ExaminedByDefault": true for everything.
This partially solved the problem and made the MK18, Saiga-9 and M45A1 visible in 'Presets'.
However, PL15 and STM-9 are still not available.
Hello, this is because BSG didn't made presets for these added weapons.
Unfortunately you can't solve it unless you add a manually created preset into the globals.json presets list and create a fresh profile.For getting presets to show up in the preset list, you also need to have the main part examined since a few versions, you still need to restart the game after examining to get it show up in the preset list.
I'm closing the thread as it can't really be solved.
Hello, your thread seems solved. I'm closing it and archiving it.
If the issue persists on the latest version of AKI, please create a new thread. -
Hello, your logs aren't available anymore. I'm closing the thread.
If your issue persists on the latest AKI version, create a new thread and provide all the infos needed (as well an explanation of the issue you are encountering). -
Hello, this issue is stated in the faq, available here: https://docs.sp-tarkov.com/#getting_started/faq.md
Once you tried what the FAQ tell you to do, if the issue persists, create a new thread.
I'm closing the thread as the logs aren't available anymore aswell.
Hello, as stated in the FEI post, bitcoins farms are bugged and you need to wait more time that displayed in the hideout to get them (usually when you get the second one ready, means you are good).
Closing the thread. -
Hello, closing the thread, the logs are expired. If the issue persists, please create a new thread.
Hello, not something that should be asked here.
Closing the thread as it's not a support issue. -
Hello, closing the thread, the logs are expired. If the issue persists, please create a new thread.
Hello, closing the thread, the logs are expired. If the issue persists, please create a new thread.
Closing the thread for inactivity, if the issue persist, create a new thread.
Closing the thread for inactivity, if the issue persist, create a new thread.
Closing the thread for inactivity, if the issue persist, create a new thread.