Posts by Req

    Sorry about that. As you can plainly tell, I am not very good at making it clear when I'm confused instead of defensive when typing messages on the internet. Ouch.

    The weirdest thing is that I left a raid with a blacked arm and this glitch went away completely. Maybe that's another clue as to how 1.6.0's "residual damage" calculations are goofed up?

    It's OK, no offense and none taken. For all the issues in 1.6.0, guessing I'm going back to 1.5.1 for the some time.

    Why do you find making this distinction necessary? Unless you're trying to say that the health issue could be "solved" by simply raising the amount of health you have when blacked out to full health, I don't see what this accomplishes.

    Not at all. I just experimented around to try to find out how the "residual damage" was calculated. Then I just reported the findings here. No need to get defensive.

    btw, increasing health pool does not solve any problem. It will get the blacked out percentage post-raid residual damage as well, depleting the meds and/or roubles faster lol.