Display MoreI posted this temporary fix on another thread and it seemed to of worked for the person who posted it originally.
"I had this problem before and I did this to fix it temporarily:
Go in to your user/profiles and double click your profile, edit the profile with Notepad++ or what ever you use and press CTRL + F, then search for SCAVCAT.
There should be 1 instance for this and it should look like this:-
"currentLevel": 1,
"currentSalesSum": 539300, <<<<< (if this line says 'null' there is something wrong, more than likely the ScavCat mod)
"currentStanding": 0.2,
"NextLoyalty": null,
"loyaltyLevels": {
"0": {
"minLevel": 1,
"minSalesSum": 0,
"minStanding": 0
I can't say for certain why this happens, you may need to do this every time you start your local server because I had to do this. As for what you should put there I'm not really sure, I think this just shows how much Rubbles I currently have but I would have to look in to this myself to make sure.
Give this a try and let me know if this works!"
You sir are a GOD SEND. It worked, no idea why but it did. THANK YOU