Posts by RedCrow

    Hi Fin

    even without progressive gear, the spawn gear system seems to ignore the settings on "min and max value armor class avalible" "primary weapon value" and "armor value"
    I setted my AI to have low chance of a good armor and the max lvl of armor to [1, 2] but most of the scavs still spawn with a slik and high value weapons "val, vector etc"

    Ok, after reading all the comments I tried this actions.

    I deleted the folder, and reinstalled everything.

    Still not working. (remaining on a connetcing status, with no errors.)

    I edited the profile and turned off the generator.

    Still not working.

    I created a new profile, disabled the autologin option on the launcher and I was prompted with the login selection.

    Now if I select my original profile, it works, I tried to turn on the generator again, and seems to work, but if I activate the autologin, it will stop again.

    I don't know if that is usefull but maybe there is something odd during the autologin execution.

    So, the game was working as a charm until today, now is stucked on connecting.

    The only way to make it work is to remove my profile from the user folder, if I do so the game start to work as it should.

    I didn't change or modify anything inside the .json file and the last thing I was doing was creating the bitcoin farm and leaving the generator on when I log off.

    There are no log avalible because the client don't boot, and no server errors.