SPT launcher stuck on Connecting

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    So, the game was working as a charm until today, now is stucked on connecting.

    The only way to make it work is to remove my profile from the user folder, if I do so the game start to work as it should.

    I didn't change or modify anything inside the .json file and the last thing I was doing was creating the bitcoin farm and leaving the generator on when I log off.

    There are no log avalible because the client don't boot, and no server errors.

  • The exact thing happened to me today, no mod, only modification I made was adjusting the global loot spawn rate with notepad. I turned on generator and left the game, everything working fine before and when I try to log back later the launcher begins to connect infinitely or stating no server is available. Apparently it has been happening very frequenetly lately. (I also saw the profile corruption post in this forum while researching)

    However, I was able to resolve this issue by doing a clean reinstall and putting my old save back into the profile folder, somehow my game was able to run afterward, did a pmc run and everything seems to be fine. But I can't guarantee this method will always work. because later again the same issue occurs, and I even backed up the profile during my last successful session and pasted it over, it did not work anymore. Had to do another reinstall and use my older profile backup, that somehow works again.

    So I can only speculate that the profile doc is def corrupted somehow, and you should back up save regularly to ensure progress. Still hope that dev would troubleshoot this issue. As a side note, accompanying this issue my item icons all began to load really slowly, wonder if the two issues are connected.

    Edit#1: And once again this issue occurred after I turned off the game for 2-3 hours. And this time clean reinstall somehow does not work with my latest save, but the older save that was previously deemed as corrupted somehow works now. No idea what's causing the issue, did some more digging and possible solutions are really all over the place, some people facing the same issue apparently just waited some time and the server just fixed itself.

    Edited once, last by DasRay1911: Update on the situation ().

  • The same problem with me, I played on the 1.6 version, everything worked like a clock, after the launcher stopped finding the server, I tried to demolish everything and put it in a new way, but already on version 1.5, the problem remained. Today I will try to remove the configuration files of the game itself as written above, it may help.

    Edit1: I reinstall all again , server 1.5.1 , remove old profile , 0 mods , server works but still launcher cant connect.

    It may be some kind of problem with my computer, but I don't even know where to dig

    Edited once, last by ExpST ().

  • Well I cant do that, if I want to install the game again I would need the patcher and today the newest live game patch released.

    So all I can do is wait.

    check your launcher settings, make sure its pointed at the correct spt folder

    I checked, its set up correctly

  • I think the most reliable way is just to wait. Mine came back again after sometime again without any modification. The indication that your save is successfully loaded is if the server states "[DEBUG] saved profiles" as it launches. I've been monitoring the server more closely because of the whole thing and I think the corruption of save file may have to do with your profile not being properly saved when you exit the game, (and maybe have something to do with leaving generator on too), so if your game ever reads your file again, exit the game and do not close the server until you confirm the previous line of command shows up after your play session

  • It turns out my profile was corrupted. Amazing.

    I had to waste 4 hours on trying to pinpoint which part in the 28,000 lines of profile code was corrupted, so thats probably what you all are gonna have to do too. Have fun.

  • It turns out my profile was corrupted. Amazing.

    I had to waste 4 hours on trying to pinpoint which part in the 28,000 lines of profile code was corrupted, so thats probably what you all are gonna have to do too. Have fun.

    That's rough man, under which section of the file was corrupted for you? Could be a good future reference for solving this nonsense

  • Interesting, if your profile gets corrupted it normally either gets wiped completely (for instance if you power down, or force-ably close the program during a save) or it will give you an error message (something along the lines of "unexpected (whatever the issue is) in json at position (where the problem is)")
    To find the position with notepad++ use Ctr g, click offset, enter number.

  • That's rough man, under which section of the file was corrupted for you? Could be a good future reference for solving this nonsense

    Under the Flea market section, there was a long list of offers which i didnt make, i just cleared them all and my profile worked again.

    Obviously i installed the profile save mod shortly after, that mod should be a must for everyone

  • Interesting, if your profile gets corrupted it normally either gets wiped completely (for instance if you power down, or force-ably close the program during a save) or it will give you an error message (something along the lines of "unexpected (whatever the issue is) in json at position (where the problem is)")
    To find the position with notepad++ use Ctr g, click offset, enter number.

    Probably right with that, but the issue discussed here is the launcher stuck at "connecting". We weren't getting any error messages sadly.

  • Ok, after reading all the comments I tried this actions.

    I deleted the folder, and reinstalled everything.

    Still not working. (remaining on a connetcing status, with no errors.)

    I edited the profile and turned off the generator.

    Still not working.

    I created a new profile, disabled the autologin option on the launcher and I was prompted with the login selection.

    Now if I select my original profile, it works, I tried to turn on the generator again, and seems to work, but if I activate the autologin, it will stop again.

    I don't know if that is usefull but maybe there is something odd during the autologin execution.

  • Under the Flea market section, there was a long list of offers which i didnt make, i just cleared them all and my profile worked again.

    Obviously i installed the profile save mod shortly after, that mod should be a must for everyone

    How do you locate the flea market section in the file? I'm having the same problem and I want some things to try before I junk SP-TARKOV

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