Posts by Agoelia

    After painstakingly testing with removing/adding every mod, I'm confident it's trader modding. Which is weird, because it worked perfectly fine for a long time.

    I tried uninstalling the mod and reinstalling it fresh, but the issue persists (not that my previous install had an old version of the mod). Will report on the mod's comment thread. This can be closed.

    Right clicking weapons while in my stash does not produce the usual drop down menu.
    Similarly, double clicking will not open the "inspect menu". This is quite bad because it's the only way to mod weapons.
    This applies to ALL guns (including ones "equipped" on my character), and ONLY to guns.

    I can right click normally while in raid, and even while trading with traders or on the flea market. This lets me remove mods, read the weapon description, etc, all as usual. Bug is only noticeable while in my stash. No other effects noticed.

    Never had the issue with this install before. Not sure what caused it. Got all the way to level 30 without encountering this bug.

    Tried restarting game, restarting server, restarting computer. Tried making a new profile. Issue persists. Verified online game's files twice before installing SPT AKI. Everything else works as intended.

    How do I fix this?