Posts by Jamjom

    Minor bug: I bought the M4A1 sand, disassembled it, and when I tried to reattach the stock, it wouldn't go on. Looks like it's not compatible with the Colt Carbine buffer tube despite coming installed on one.

    I just installed the newest version and I'm getting an issue where the raid won't start. Deploy counter stops at zero, but the game doesn't appear frozen (can hear audio, background moves with the mouse). I'm on 3.0.1, and I get no special or unusual errors.

    Debug hash:


    Just FYI, I ran into a bug where on Aki 2.0.1, setting Hideout Stash to Level 4 causes the game to think that Level 5 has finished construction and needs to be installed (but won't let me actually install it). The next time I launch the game, I will get a "The given key was not present in the dictionary" error which prevents the profile from loading at all. Reverting stash to Level 3 or restoring the profile to a point before the stash was modified fixes the error.