Posts by Aghooscosta88

    good afternoon I don't know if I'll be able to describe my problem, but when I open the config editor application that facilitates changing settings it appears incomplete on my pc screen and for that reason I can't change the settings I tried to enlarge the screen but nothing that's any use you could help me help me

    good morning I'm using this mod for a little while, but I only use this mod, but I noticed some errors saying that it is dependent on other mods, I use
    SPT-AKI 1.51
    [error] required slot mod gas block on

    [error] required slot mod stok on

    [error] required slot mod gas block on

    [error] required slot mod pistolgrip on

    could someone help me? I'm new to everything here since I'm already grateful and even with these errors the mod is amazing.



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