Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Suddenly not seeing sniper scavs anymore, even though I have "remove sniper scavs" set to false.

    Here is a list of mods I'm using, not including Profile Editor, in case there might be a conflict somewhere.

    Can you check your donottouch/debug/~spawnOverview.json file, and confirm that the "Marksmen" entries all say you're getting none?

  • Ah thanks that helped, i see the values, yeah they're set high like to 750 which i wanted a vanilla exerience so i set it back down to the normal. Also, does your mod mess with scav runs? I havent killed any scavs and im being hunted by them. Not sure if its yours or if its ereshkigal configurator, or bread and butter.

    Is that just normal part of aki for scavs to hunt you during a scav run?

    I'm not sure what it does to scav runs, actually, that's something I haven't tested. -I'll add that to the list, though, and see if there's anything weird happening there.

  • Does this mod work with bread and butter? I like your AI tweaks but I want to use the AI gear progression with bread and butter for a more ‘wipe progression’ type game.

    Edit: never mind, saw you answered this for someone else.

    Edited 2 times, last by Splyop ().

  • Hi Fin, i downloaded the file but Windows Defender flag it as a Trojan. Has this happened before?
    Thanks for the amazing work anyway :)

    Edited once, last by Fyruz ().

  • Hi Fin, i downloaded the file but Windows Defender flag it as a Trojan. Has this happened before?
    Thanks for the amazing work anyway :)

    I thought something like that might have happened, since it's a random .exe that accesses and edits another file. Sadly, there's not much I can do to change that with my current level of programming expertise, but you can always modify the config the old-fashioned way, if you're concerned.

    Glad you're liking it though ^^

  • good morning I'm using this mod for a little while, but I only use this mod, but I noticed some errors saying that it is dependent on other mods, I use
    SPT-AKI 1.51
    [error] required slot mod gas block on

    [error] required slot mod stok on

    [error] required slot mod gas block on

    [error] required slot mod pistolgrip on

    could someone help me? I'm new to everything here since I'm already grateful and even with these errors the mod is amazing.



    share star_border

  • That seems to be referring to item mods within the game, not mods for SPTarkov.

    Can you paste your full error log here in a spoiler, or link a screenshot?

    hey how do you edit the spawn values and the difficulty? I cant open any of the files in the config.

    Im stupid with computers

    "config editor.exe" will let you edit the base config without needing to open the files, but if you're going to open the files, you'll want something like notepad++ to do it with. Then you just change the entry values around, and try to keep in line with the general formatting, ie: If something is written in square brackets, with quotes, and commas separating the things in quotes, then keep following that pattern if you change the entry. Look up "JSON formatting" if you need more information on that, though.

  • Hello, I've been encountering multiple scavs with pmc gears and I don't really know how they have those when I had the changeGear to false already. They're also really that aggressive. I also get these weapon mod errors:

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 55d355e64bdc2d962f8b4569

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 55d355e64bdc2d962f8b4569 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25 was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5dfee5b5b000140293d3 had no ammo

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 5d4405aaa4b9361e6a4e6bd3

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 5d4405aaa4b9361e6a4e6bd3 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567 was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5c07c60e0db834002330051f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5c07c60e0db834002330051f, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5e60e5b5b000140293d6 had no ammo

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25 was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5dfee5b5b000140293d3 had no ammo

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_gas_block' on 5a34f7f1c4a2826c6e06d75d was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_gas_block' on 5a34f7f1c4a2826c6e06d75d was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5c07c60e0db834002330051f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5c07c60e0db834002330051f, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5e60e5b5b000140293d6 had no ammo

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_gas_block' on 5a34f7f1c4a2826c6e06d75d was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 55d355e64bdc2d962f8b4569

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 55d355e64bdc2d962f8b4569 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5c07c60e0db834002330051f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5c07c60e0db834002330051f, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5e60e5b5b000140293d6 had no ammo

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 59bfe68886f7746004266202

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 59bfe68886f7746004266202 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5c07c60e0db834002330051f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5c07c60e0db834002330051f, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5e60e5b5b000140293d6 had no ammo

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 5d4405aaa4b9361e6a4e6bd3

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 5d4405aaa4b9361e6a4e6bd3 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5c07c60e0db834002330051f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5c07c60e0db834002330051f, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5e60e5b5b000140293d6 had no ammo

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 59bfe68886f7746004266202

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 59bfe68886f7746004266202 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5c07c60e0db834002330051f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5c07c60e0db834002330051f, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5e60e5b5b000140293d6 had no ammo

    [ERROR] Could not locate any compatible items to fill 'mod_handguard' for 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_handguard' on 5c0e2f26d174af02a9625114 was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5c07c60e0db834002330051f was generated incorrectly, see error above

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5c07c60e0db834002330051f, falling back to default -> 54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567

    [WARNING] Magazine with tpl 5aaa5e60e5b5b000140293d6 had no ammo

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 had no magazine

    [ERROR] Required slot 'mod_gas_block' on 5a34f7f1c4a2826c6e06d75d was empty

    [WARNING] Weapon 5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f was generated incorrectly, see error above

  • Hello, I've been encountering multiple scavs with pmc gears and I don't really know how they have those when I had the changeGear to false already. They're also really that aggressive. I also get these weapon mod errors:


    Those errors are normal, at present. I may find a way to get around them in the future, but they aren't harmful.

    As for the bots, are you sure those aren't raiders? -Check the colour of their armbands, green armbands mean they're scavs. Yellow or white is raiders.

  • Those errors are normal, at present. I may find a way to get around them in the future, but they aren't harmful.

    As for the bots, are you sure those aren't raiders? -Check the colour of their armbands, green armbands mean they're scavs. Yellow or white is raiders.

    They don't have any armbands, I guess when I turned the scav convertion to raiders or pmcs to 0 they are back to normal. I was just astonished 3 scavs with high tier guns running towards me. The chance was really low but most of the pmcs that I encountered turned into cursed scavs instead.

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.17 for AKI 1.5.1


    • All config options now have mouseover tooltips explaining their function
    • Behaviour of mid and high level AIs can now be altered
      • Options include "Super aggressive", "patroller", "balanced", etc.
      • Low level AIs cannot have their behaviour changed at present, for technical reasons
      • Options are inside the new "Behaviour" tab of the config editor
      • Option can be entirely enabled or disabled via true / false setting at the top of the "Behaviour" tab
    • Various internal reworks
    • Improved the behaviour of "Evenly spread spawn locations" option
    • Spawn fixes
      • More bots should spawn overall, compared to previous versions
      • Sniper scavs should be more common (For real this time)
      • Eliminated a bug that could prevent PMCs from spawning
    • Difficulty tweaks
      • AI is a little more accurate on the first shot
      • AI is less accurate while moving
      • Significant changes to AI recoil
  • [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: AI difficulty changes complete.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created scavs bot 'assault' inventory.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created PMCs bot 'assaultgroup' inventory.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created PMCs bot 'bear' inventory.
    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5d6e6806a4b936088465b17e,5d6e68a8a4b9360b6c0d54e2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5e85a9a6eacf8c039e4e2ac1,5f647f31b6238e5dd066e196 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 57372140245977611f70ee91,573719df2459775a626ccbc2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5c925fa22e221601da359b7b,5efb0da7a29a85116f6ea05f in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5a269f97c4a282000b151807,5a26ac0ec4a28200741e1e18 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 57a0e5022459774d1673f889,5c0d668f86f7747ccb7f13b2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5ba2678ad4351e44f824b344,5ba26835d4351e0035628ff5 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5cc80f53e4a949000e1ea4f8,5cc80f67e4a949035e43bbba,5cc80f38e4a949001152b560 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 56dff026d2720bb8668b4567,5c0d5e4486f77478390952fe in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567,59e690b686f7746c9f75e848 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5a608bf24f39f98ffc77720e,5a6086ea4f39f99cd479502f in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5fc275cf85fd526b824a571a,5fc382a9d724d907e2077dab in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created PMCs bot 'cursedassault' inventory.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharassault' inventory.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharscout' inventory.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharsecurity' inventory.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharsnipe' inventory.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'pmcbot' inventory.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5d6e6806a4b936088465b17e,5d6e68a8a4b9360b6c0d54e2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5e85a9a6eacf8c039e4e2ac1,5f647f31b6238e5dd066e196 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 57372140245977611f70ee91,573719df2459775a626ccbc2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5c925fa22e221601da359b7b,5efb0da7a29a85116f6ea05f in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5a269f97c4a282000b151807,5a26ac0ec4a28200741e1e18 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 57a0e5022459774d1673f889,5c0d668f86f7747ccb7f13b2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5ba2678ad4351e44f824b344,5ba26835d4351e0035628ff5 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5cc80f53e4a949000e1ea4f8,5cc80f67e4a949035e43bbba,5cc80f38e4a949001152b560 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 56dff026d2720bb8668b4567,5c0d5e4486f77478390952fe in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567,59e690b686f7746c9f75e848 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5a608bf24f39f98ffc77720e,5a6086ea4f39f99cd479502f in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5fc275cf85fd526b824a571a,5fc382a9d724d907e2077dab in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Created PMCs bot 'usec' inventory.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5d6e6806a4b936088465b17e,5d6e68a8a4b9360b6c0d54e2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5e85a9a6eacf8c039e4e2ac1,5f647f31b6238e5dd066e196 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 57372140245977611f70ee91,573719df2459775a626ccbc2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5c925fa22e221601da359b7b,5efb0da7a29a85116f6ea05f in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5a269f97c4a282000b151807,5a26ac0ec4a28200741e1e18 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 57a0e5022459774d1673f889,5c0d668f86f7747ccb7f13b2 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5ba2678ad4351e44f824b344,5ba26835d4351e0035628ff5 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5cc80f53e4a949000e1ea4f8,5cc80f67e4a949035e43bbba,5cc80f38e4a949001152b560 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 56dff026d2720bb8668b4567,5c0d5e4486f77478390952fe in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567,59e690b686f7746c9f75e848 in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5a608bf24f39f98ffc77720e,5a6086ea4f39f99cd479502f in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    [ERROR] Fin's AI Tweaks: 5fc275cf85fd526b824a571a,5fc382a9d724d907e2077dab in undefined's inventory appears to be an invalid item. This may cause issues.

    Getting these errors, regardless of settings on the config editor.

  • [snip]

    Looks like something weird's going on with some items in your item templates. -My mod runs a check that looks for any entries that are undefined (Which are all added by other mods, as far as I'm aware, since my mod only adds one new item to the game), and.. -It looks like you've got a bunch of undefined items in the bear, usec and raider inventories, which is weird.

    It's also not necessarily going to cause problems, since I've done what I can to build in failsafes that skip over undefined or otherwise problematic entries, but that error message is always going to pop up when you start your server. -If you want to mute it, though, you can open up mod.js and find the line:

    this.finalBotCheck(bot.inventory, {})

    and change it to this:

    //this.finalBotCheck(bot.inventory, {})

    Edited 3 times, last by Fin ().

  • First off thank you Fin for updating this mod this mod is a must-have and I love it.

    Just to make you and everyone aware I have installed the latest version and took my time setting up the mod as I wanted but I have this message pop up in the local server executable that worries me slightly =

    I'm not sure what is causing this message to show up hopefully yourself Fin or someone else can elaborate on this, thanks in advance.


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