Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • First off thank you Fin for updating this mod this mod is a must-have and I love it.

    Just to make you and everyone aware I have installed the latest version and took my time setting up the mod as I wanted but I have this message pop up in the local server executable that worries me slightly =

    I'm not sure what is causing this message to show up hopefully yourself Fin or someone else can elaborate on this, thanks in advance.

    That one should have been fixed as of about an hour ago, in version 1.17a (And there's 1.17b out now, because I let something even worse slip through by mistake, that also needed fixing x.x).

    Let me know if you're still getting that error on 1.17b, though, but looking at the line it says it's occuring on, it should be fixed ^^

  • That one should have been fixed as of about an hour ago, in version 1.17a (And there's 1.17b out now, because I let something even worse slip through by mistake, that also needed fixing x.x).

    Let me know if you're still getting that error on 1.17b, though, but looking at the line it says it's occuring on, it should be fixed ^^

    Cheers bud I'll take a gander now and get back to you :)

    Edit: I did install 1.17b a couple hours ago and then after one raid those messages started to appear so I'm not sure now :D


  • Hey Roach, would you upload your config settings? Especially the spawn and loadout, I would love to refer on them. It's okay if not :)

    Yea that's not a problem bud, just keep in mind I haven't had the chance to fully customize my config to where I want it but I have edited it slightly, I can reupload again at a later point when I have gone through and tested it myself :)


  • Thanks man, I'm gonna test and observe this setting later :D

  • Thanks man, I'm gonna test and observe this setting later :D

    My plan or idea is to have it like the actual online game, PMC's are tough and Raiders aren't too bad either and Scavs are somewhat easy but can still pose a threat, also the loot these characters have I would like it to be similar to online. I don't want fully decked out weapons and the best armour right at the start kinda beats the objective haha. If you manage to find that sweat spot let me know please mate :)


  • My plan or idea is to have it like the actual online game, PMC's are tough and Raiders aren't too bad either and Scavs are somewhat easy but can still pose a threat, also the loot these characters have I would like it to be similar to online. I don't want fully decked out weapons and the best armour right at the start kinda beats the objective haha. If you manage to find that sweat spot let me know please mate :)

    That's also my plan, I've been trying to test the mods out for months. I've been resetting my profile because I felt like I am in an advantage. I think It'll take a lot of tests before we can find that "sweet spot", cuz you know mods keep getting updated and a lot of errors to go through.

  • That's also my plan, I've been trying to test the mods out for months. I've been resetting my profile because I felt like I am in an advantage. I think It'll take a lot of tests before we can find that "sweet spot", cuz you know mods keep getting updated and a lot of errors to go through.

    Yeah exactly mate, all about trial and error isn't it. I'll be testing again tomorrow or Thursday this week, I need to find that sweet spot so I can finally enjoy playing the game ^^ if you do manage to find that spot make sure to share it with me please bud, thanks.


  • Hey! Don't know if this happens to anyone else, but at times I can see the AI shooting at the sky, as if the recoil was so hard it makes them aim all the way up, I have not touched any of the recoil values in the config, so wanted to check if it's an issue on my side or if it's something that can happen/any possible fix.

    Aside from that this mod is great, feels like a horror show when you hear 5 russian voice lines rushing towards you.

  • Yeah exactly mate, all about trial and error isn't it. I'll be testing again tomorrow or Thursday this week, I need to find that sweet spot so I can finally enjoy playing the game ^^ if you do manage to find that spot make sure to share it with me please bud, thanks.

    Sure thing, I'm also editing spawn zones and I'm kind of confused with the names of it so it'll take more time and research to get better results. I was thinking of where does pmcs lurk more and loot more in the original tarkov, maybe even wait for other players.

  • Hello! I just installed the mod with bleeding edge rc1. I get this error:

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot set property 'CODJUICE' of undefined

    at Function.createCodModeItems (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:3875:67)

    at AITweaks.startItemChanging (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:4443:13)

    at AITweaks.main (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:3853:8)

    at AITweaks.load (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:74:8)

    at Function.executeMods (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:56046:28)

    at Function.load (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:55994:15)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:47446:15)

    at Function.load (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:57116:27)

    at Function.main (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:46143:9)

    at Object.177../Lib.js (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:46148:9)

    What can i do to fix this? Thanks!

  • Hey! Don't know if this happens to anyone else, but at times I can see the AI shooting at the sky, as if the recoil was so hard it makes them aim all the way up, I have not touched any of the recoil values in the config, so wanted to check if it's an issue on my side or if it's something that can happen/any possible fix.

    Aside from that this mod is great, feels like a horror show when you hear 5 russian voice lines rushing towards you.

    This is a known issue, hopefully one that I can lessen soon.

    I'm not sure what could be causing this, as the error seems to be occuring when trying to reference a file that should exist by default inside of AKI_Data. When the next update comes out it'll have something built in to bypass this error occurring, since it's not linked to a 'vital' part of the mod, but for the moment you're best off downgrading to 1.5.1 and using the 1.17.1 version of the AITweaks mod

  • Hey guys! I've spent the last half hour reading around on this thread. I'm new to SPT and I'm currently running SPT-AKI 1.5.1, EFT There have been very few things I wanted to change, but one of the really frustrating things with the vanilla AI is that there seems to be set spawns. This really becomes an issue once you're issued quests like "Shooter born in Heaven" and the "kill PMC's in these locations". So kill PMC's in customs dorms for example, If I run to the location as fast as possible I will almost always get there and it will be empty. But lets say I spawn too far away, there will ALWAYS be a gunfight you can hear in dorms giving you the thought you can complete the quest, only to show up to 2-3 dead PMCs, a dead SCAV, and a single SCAV that always somehow beat all odds and with his pump shotgun stands victor amongst all the dead PMC's. Ive also noticed this on factory as well. Also I can always get to whatever location I can within the first 2-5 minutes before any AI is spotted.

    Basically I want to know if this mod would fix these "set spawns" and make the game feel more as online, where PMCs are more randomly roaming and spread out? I also like the idea to use this mod to make them better as well since the only real threat to me as the player only seems to be scav bosses. Also is there any way to make it so enemy PMC's brainlessly yell at you in some voice before they start actually engaging you? This has really killed the immersion of EFT for me. I prefer to have that danger of having a gunshot out of nowhere cause me a heart attack than for the enemy to tell me their position only to shoot a few seconds later. Any direction you can point me for these answers would be great!

  • I recommend installing - Smart spawn controller

    *I have noticed this has the ability to keep your game performance in raid over 60+ FPS if setup correctly and distributes AI across the board. If you have FIns AI Tweaks installed I would also recommend disabling the ai changes at the top in the config to avoid conflictions. This helps in so many ways for loading the AI in to raids, whether its timing, the amount of AI in your raids and keeping your FPS consistent.*

    If you need help just DM me and I'll try and help you!


  • Hey y'all, hoping for some help on a problem I have. Running the latest official release of AKI and mods up to date.

    I've run into a problem, where exfil leaves the screen black and the log says: AKI-dialogue doesn't report success or fail.

    I then alt-4 to restart but this continues... I can provide more technical data later but I couldn't find anyone posting this issue. (Btw, I saw reddit mention having enough RAM, I have 32 GBs but when I try to extract my ram usage maxes out... Weird... This hasnt been happening on my first extracts.

    If you can offer help I'd really appreciate it! Thanks

  • I'm not entirely sure what the issue here might be, but if you suspect it might be related to this mod, the first thing I'd try (And what I'd try even if you don't suspect that, honestly), is to remove all your mods (temporarily), create a fresh profile, and run a test raid to see if you can extract without mods. -If you can, add them back until you can no longer extract. If you can't.. Try replacing your AKI_Data folder with a fresh version, and if that doesn't work, try a full reinstall of AKI on a fresh copy of your live EFT installation (After applying the downgrader patch, of course).

  • I'm not entirely sure what the issue here might be, but if you suspect it might be related to this mod, the first thing I'd try (And what I'd try even if you don't suspect that, honestly), is to remove all your mods (temporarily), create a fresh profile, and run a test raid to see if you can extract without mods. -If you can, add them back until you can no longer extract. If you can't.. Try replacing your AKI_Data folder with a fresh version, and if that doesn't work, try a full reinstall of AKI on a fresh copy of your live EFT installation (After applying the downgrader patch, of course).

    Thanks for the quick reply! I finally fixed it by deleting the cert file and adding it back in with root from command prompt, I didn't realize it was a large general issue, thank you so much for responding so fast too!

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.18.0 for AKI 2.0.0


    • Ingame difficulty no longer matters. Easy, medium, hard and impossible will all play exactly the same. Difficulty options are not set entirely via the mod's config
      • A 'base difficulty level' value has been added to replace this setting
        • Base difficulty is added to the difficulty of all three bot types, and can be used as a 'global' difficulty setting
          • It will not affect bosses, or bots not on the low, mid or high level AI lists
    • PMC spawning has been altered to use 'cursedAssault' bots instead of 'assaultGroup' bots. This is due to 'assaultGroup' no longer existing.
      • 'cursedAssault' can be used in the exact same way (within the config files) that 'assaultGroup' could before
      • There may be some minor errors in the debug files when referring to 'cursedAssault' bots
      • I've tried to remove all references to 'assaultGroup' in the configs and readme, but it's possible some have been missed. If you find any, please let me know
    • An option has been added to mute errors during weapon generation. This is enabled by default.
      • This can potentially mute other errors that occur during this time, but in 99% of cases it shouldn't be an issue. If you suspect there are problems occuring during bot generation, then you can disable this option.
    • Behaviour changing has been overhauled
      • Due to regrettable technical limitations, the full variety of bot behaviours cannot be made available to all types of bots
        • Instead, bots can be weighted towards 'balanced', 'aggressive', or 'ranged'
      • It is recommended that you leave behaviour changes on its default settings for a raid or two before making any changes
      • There are some known bugs in the behaviour changing system, such as bots occasionally becoming unresponsive, or PMCs not fighting back against scavs
        • These are currently being investigated
    • Removed the 'Spawn PMCs as Bosses' config option
      • The problem it originally existed to solve is no longer an issue, and this option could cause errors in some cases
    • Numerous difficulty changes
      • There are currently known issues with the AI's cone of vision being smaller than it should be. These are being investigated.
    • 'AI aiming time multiplier' now more directly affects AI reaction speed
    • Revamped some of the 'safety' functions to better notify users of potential problems caused by other mods
      • Any gun with problematic Chambers or Cartridges values becomes 9mm
      • Any gun with problematic mod slots has those slots removed
      • Etc.
      • Users are notified of these changes
    • Enabling the 'gravestone' option no longer interferes with CoD mode
    • Fixed a bug with decimal difficulty values
    • Fixed a bug with map spawn scaling values above 2
    • Fixed some bugs that could cause fewer bots to spawn in raid than intended
    • Fixed a bug with removing marksmen
    • Several small miscellaneous bugfixes in de-iterating for loops
    • Probably some other fixes I'm forgetting about
    • Altered some of the default config values

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