Posts by Keenl3lade

    Hello, when I boot server with this mod on 3.2.5 I get this error message in the server.exe...

    "The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced TypeError ragfairPriceService.getDynamicPrice is not a function


    TypeError ragfairPriceService.getDynamicPrice is not a function

    at Blackmarket.resolvePrices (C-SPTarkovusermodsInternalError-blackmarket-1.1.1srcmod.js12847)

    at Blackmarket.postDBLoad (C-SPTarkovusermodsInternalError-blackmarket-1.1.1srcmod.js14914)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (CsnapshotprojectobjloadersPostDBModLoader.js)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (CsnapshotprojectobjloadersPostDBModLoader.js)

    at App.load (CsnapshotprojectobjutilsApp.js)

    at CsnapshotprojectobjProgram.js

    at processTicksAndRejections (nodeinternalprocesstask_queues965)

    at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (nodeinternalprocesstask_queues653)

    at Function.runMain (pkgpreludebootstrap.js198413)

    at nodeinternalmainrun_main_module1747"

    This error crashes the server and will not allow it to boot. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Once I remove this mod I can play fine.