Posts by Haven

    I'm on the same version and have run into this several times. The most annoying thing about it isn't how you can't loot anything for the rest of the raid, no. Its actually that once this bug happens you then have no ability to trigger extracts that require things such as turning on power. I've only had this bug occur to me on customs (so far), and after this happens if you attempt to turn power on and leave to the factor exit it will not work. The power switch will activate but the server doesnt register it or something. So even if you go to the exit after turning the power on, the exit will stay locked and present the "power must be turned on" message.

    Hey guys! I've spent the last half hour reading around on this thread. I'm new to SPT and I'm currently running SPT-AKI 1.5.1, EFT There have been very few things I wanted to change, but one of the really frustrating things with the vanilla AI is that there seems to be set spawns. This really becomes an issue once you're issued quests like "Shooter born in Heaven" and the "kill PMC's in these locations". So kill PMC's in customs dorms for example, If I run to the location as fast as possible I will almost always get there and it will be empty. But lets say I spawn too far away, there will ALWAYS be a gunfight you can hear in dorms giving you the thought you can complete the quest, only to show up to 2-3 dead PMCs, a dead SCAV, and a single SCAV that always somehow beat all odds and with his pump shotgun stands victor amongst all the dead PMC's. Ive also noticed this on factory as well. Also I can always get to whatever location I can within the first 2-5 minutes before any AI is spotted.

    Basically I want to know if this mod would fix these "set spawns" and make the game feel more as online, where PMCs are more randomly roaming and spread out? I also like the idea to use this mod to make them better as well since the only real threat to me as the player only seems to be scav bosses. Also is there any way to make it so enemy PMC's brainlessly yell at you in some voice before they start actually engaging you? This has really killed the immersion of EFT for me. I prefer to have that danger of having a gunshot out of nowhere cause me a heart attack than for the enemy to tell me their position only to shoot a few seconds later. Any direction you can point me for these answers would be great!