Posts by adrumhSybboB

    gets to about loading loot 75% before completely bricking and crashing to desktop. wondering why it happens since im able to run streets perfectly fine without any lag on main servers

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: ProfileController.generateScav is not a function

    at Function.createProfile (C:\Users\Xander\Desktop\SPT-AKI\obj\bundle.js:52612:72)

    at Object.createProfile [as aki] (C:\Users\Xander\Desktop\SPT-AKI\obj\bundle.js:47586:23)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\Users\Xander\Desktop\SPT-AKI\obj\bundle.js:56211:57)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\Users\Xander\Desktop\SPT-AKI\obj\bundle.js:56450:29)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\Users\Xander\Desktop\SPT-AKI\obj\bundle.js:56485:22)

    [ERROR] Scheduled event: 'aki-insurance' failed to run successfully.

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

    at Function.processReturn (C:\Users\Xander\Desktop\SPT-AKI\obj\bundle.js:50420:25)

    at Object.update [as aki-insurance] (C:\Users\Xander\Desktop\SPT-AKI\obj\bundle.js:47192:27)

    i've spent hours making new profiles and cleaning up my mods folder trying to fix this but it just keeps getting more fucked and im so lost

    errors start the moment i click next after picking PMC face and voice