Posts by icswcshadow

    This can help, reducing the number of bots may help too. It does eat memory like a pig I am afraid.

    I use ISLC which pretty much clears unneeded ram space as well, plus I am still testing the game's ram cleaner which seems to have for the most part fixed the issue I think. However there was a graphics crash when I played earlier which I still want to test if that was a one time thing or if it will re-occur. Using Bread and Butter I also reduced the amount of PMC bots, which had helped with a similar issue on the previous AKI version.

    I had to go afk for a while since my last post, but will continue testing now.


    Okay I can report my issue is not resolved. While I didn't have get any more graphics crashes, I did get what I assume was another memory crash. It did give me an error message this time saying "VirtualAlloc remapping failed".

    It's strange though, when I checked task manager at the time, only 8 of the 16 gb was used up. An error log was also created which from what I can tell does not have OutOfMemory Exception this time:…m5UAQDYmYhrCp2hrh4dwrdJR8

    Update 2:

    After a fresh install of Tarkov, updating SPT to 2.0.1 and only installing mods that are marked compatible for 2.0.0+ I haven't really gotten this crash anymore as well. Sometimes the Server closes if I don't pay attention to how much memory is being used and it crashes. Usually restarting it mid-raid lets me extract safely still without loosing progress.

    I am yet not 100% sure if I could call this issue resolved. Only time will tell, I plan to do a very long session playing tomorrow as I've been interrupted a lot lately.

    Honestly wouldn't know where to start. Don't know which processes are important, which ones aren't.

    I did manage to drop it to 3.6 GB though, that's with chrome and steam closed. However I would really like at least 1 tab of chrome for 's Tarkov maps.

    Update 1:

    I have seen there is a ram cleaning option in the game itself, I am going to test if that solves my problem. Initial test to just keep the game idle in main menu without it had it use about 3.5 gb, with it on it dropped to 700-800 mb, seems like this could be the solution to my problem, going to play some raids and see if that solves my issue.

    Update 2:

    I have played a raid almost till the timer ran out, the cleaner seems to work when you go into the esc menu and Tarkov's ram usage seems to go down to about 300 mb before filling slowly up again, which also seems to cause some stuttering. This seems to have prevented the Memory Crash, however a different type of crash happened where at first my screen went almost dark and everything looked kinda like it was night and then it crashed to desktop.

    It appears no error log was created for that incident. I am going to test a few more runs to see if this reoccurs or if it was a one time thing.

    I feared it was my PC's memory. Right now without SPT running my PC uses 4.6 GB of the 16 available. I had Task Manager and ISLC running on my second screen to see what the performance is like while playing, the highest I saw th memory go up was 15 gb, I could never identify that it reached 16.

    Would hate having to upgrade to like 32 GB just to play SPT, never really had any issues memory wise with other games until now.

    I am out of ideas. I read the FAQ and tried solutions from there. But every time I play for about 30 minutes in a raid the game would suddenly freeze and crash to desktop without an error.

    I don't think it's caused by a mod, but I am not smart enough for figuring out if it's that. My PC previously had some issues with the game putting a massive load onto my GPU, a GTX 1080 Ti, but I resolved that by updating a bunch of drivers from the looks of it, including Graphics Driver. Could it be my RAM? I got 16 GB and I usually see it fill to about 14 gb when playing, which should be fine though (I also use ISLC to clean the standby list automatically if it gets too full).

    I am just out of ideas. What I have not tried yet is a fresh install but I don't want to wipe my profile again, is there a way to back that up?