Posts by markopas

    i had this problem when i edited some FIn's AI loadout stuff. I was getting no AI spawning. After i reinstalled the mod Ai started spawning. Try it.

    Hi Lua,

    I'm having a problem where I get no spawns - none whatsoever. The server log shows that waves are being generated, but no bots ever spawn in my matches. For example here is my server log for Factory, but I waited in the map for 10 minutes and nothing spawned:

    Here is my config file for that map. Am I doing something wrong?

    Do you have any idea what could be causing this? It's driving me crazy - I just want to enjoy the game TBH.

    Anyone has problem where they dont get any Sniper's spawning in customs?

    Also if i want new bosses to spawn on customs do i need to spawn only BossKnight or also

    followerBirdEye, and followerBigPipe ??

    Or if i choose Bossknight fallowers will spawn randomly?


    it's me again.
    While using "advanced spawn config" only representitive maps boss spawns or boss is completely random in the map?
    Since in customs i killed shturman i'm thinking maybe it's a conflict with KIKI all boss mod, but shturman is turned off in there

    Also is AI spawning 100% ?
    Like if wave is min 1 and max 1 and total waves are 20. Will it spawn 20AI ? since i when i talked with lua he sayed that it's not always like that. But maybe it's only with his mod

    I'm using your advanced spawn config and im still on 2.3.1

    is it possible to somehow make that AI doesnt spawn right in the same position as you stand? like AI spawned 2meters away from me and sprayed till im dead

    Also, while using Advanced spawn config. BossBully spawns together with minions or i need to spawn them separately?
    Also if i need to spawn them separately do they spawn together with BossBully or it's random?

    And :

    "boss_spawn_chance_neg1_is_default": -1,

    This means that maps boss by default is turned on right?

    Is it possible to put a limit on max AI spawned?
    Also is it possible to make them spawn slower while using "advanced spawn config" ?
    Also maybe it's possible in future if you add like LUA did on his spawn config the min and max time for AI's wave to spawn? But this one is not so important as asking you first 2 questions <3 love you.

    I'm playing with patterns of Luas mod but with them i cant change the Max bots.
    When i reach the limit AI just stops spawning.

    So basically it's coded the max amount and there is no way to change it atm?


    On this version i'm having a difficult time trying to reach more spawned AI.

    on LCPS doesnt matter what i try i can't get more then 20AI spawned on AS ONLINE. I'f i set amount on MEDIUM i'm getting max 15alive AI and if i set HARD i'm getting 25-27 max alive AI but they don't spawn all around. They usually spawn in 2-3 areas:

    What is the problem here? :(