Posts by bem555

    What other mods do you have enabled, as this is being caused by an incompatibility with something else.

    shortly after I sent the post, I notice that there was an error in the console, earlier I didnt think any of it but after I took the mod out that was creating errors it suddenly said that it was loading everything, so it wasnt a technical issue, just me being stupid, thanks for helping! I love the mod.

    Im using, SPT-AKI 2.0.1. in all the time of using this I have never seen the loading: (mod name), it usually just says "Loading mods..." and then just starts the webserver.

    ive been trying to get the mod to work plain, theres no error in the server and its the right version, boris bangski doesnt show up and I am not noticing any differences. I have the mod required in the description. Do you have any idea on what I should attempt?