Posts by Evo

    I found the issue guys

    Lirikana Armor carriers and plates and its dependencies

    FAL new 16" barrel

    These mods break the Flea and cause other incompatibilities.

    I tried each of my mods 1 by 1 until i found these to be the culprits.

    Thanks for the support guys.

    When trying to pull anything from the Hideout I get this in server and a backend error.

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'Foldable' of undefined

    at Function.getSizeByInventoryItemHash (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\helpers\InventoryHelper.js:127:47)

    at Function.getContainerMap (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\helpers\ContainerHelper.js:140:45)

    at Function.getStashSlotMap (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\controllers\PlayerController.js:88:32)

    at Function.addItem (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\controllers\InventoryController.js:581:43)

    at Function.takeItemsFromAreaSlots (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\controllers\HideoutController.js:264:42)

    at Object.takeItemsFromAreaSlots [as aki] (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\callbacks\HideoutCallbacks.js:24:34)

    at Function.handleEvents (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.js:26:30)

    at Object.handleEvents [as aki] (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.js:9:53)

    at Function.getResponse (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:26:26)

    at Function.sendResponse (H:\SPT AKI\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)

    I also get a 9001 error on flea market when using any and all mods that add additional equipment that causes the flea to crash somewhat and not be functional.

    No server error when this happens.

    Having an issue with error 9001 on the Flea whenever I try to do most things with it.

    **EDIT** This mod is not causing the issue, It is other mods that add items that may need updating.