Posts by SPECOPS101


    After updating to the new SP AKI 2.1.0 from 2.0.1 (fresh install after deleting the old install) i have noticed that friendly PMC's shoot me on site without me shooting at them first. As example i am USEC and in multiple games USEC bots shoot me on sight while yelling lines that are implying i am a BEAR PMC.

    Can you guys please help me with this issue? i loved occasionally seeing friendly PMC even helping them win firefights in previous version.

    I have already created 2 new profiles and on all of them the same issue occurs. I love the new AI in 2.1.0 but i would really like to have the old friendly PMC's back instead of being forced to kill anyone i see.

    P.s. i dont have any mods installed.

    Thank you !