Posts by Jaxander

    Jaxander added a new version:

    • Fixed file format. Now you can just extract this to your root SPT directory.
    • Fixed Goon Gear rigs quest not having the proper prerequisites and unlocking instantly. Because this was supposed to be the final quest in the chain, this was very bad.

    Jaxander added a new version:


    lol i introduced a gamebreaking bug in the first version just prior to updating it, because of course i did

    please ignore 1.0

    Jaxander added a new file:

    on the fait settings it states that PMCs in SPT have double the player health, is that still true as of 3.2.1 version of SPT?

    That's a setting in FAIT, not SPT. It's only true if you have that mod on, and that option on. Why it's on by default, I have no idea, but I guess Finn felt that was better.

    I'm using the patched mod.js above and it works fine, but if, in the config, you turn "disableAllSpawnChanges" to true, all PMCs turn into Big Pipe.

    It took me hours of testing all my mods and settings one at a time but I'm confident now this is the change that sees me killing 4-5 Big Pipes per test run in Factory.