Posts by happychappy

    Question for you:

    Sometimes the raiders in D2 are replaced with a PMC and then the raiders and the PMC fight each other. Both the initial spawn and after throwing the lever. Is this a function of this mod? This is the only mod I have installed.

    If so, is there a way to turn that off so that raiders aren't replaced with NPC's? I looked in the config files and scavsreplacewithNPC was set to 0 out of 100

    Update: Downloaded the questor mod. Even with the fake flash drive in my inventory (not my quest inventory), an sv-98, and the roler, I cannot place the items again.

    Even though the quest is still active (not failed by killing a scav) and these items are not completed in the quest list.

    Is there any way to just code this quest as complete? or reset my account back to before I failed this quest the first time?

    The fake flash drive wont spawn for the Bullshit quest.

    Placed all three of the items, then unfortunately killed a scav so the quest failed. When I restart the quest, the fake flash drive no longer spawns, and theres a check mark next to the "find fake flash drive" even though there isnt one in my quest inventory.

    Tried restarting the game, tried dying over and over, tried failing the quest over and over and restarting. Nothing works currently

    Any ideas?