Posts by Macarebe

    Hello Fontaine,

    Do you plan on releasing a standalone version for your attatchment and recoil overhaul? I think its really well made the way you balanced gun attatchments. All guns are viable and can finally use those attatchments that look cool

    Is m61 meant to be 1 tap to thorax? Because i get 1 tapped with it wearing class 8-9 armor, its one thorax and dead. Which at level 30+ is really frustrating because the PMCs will rat you out and beam you across bushes in maps such as shoreline and lighthouse. All times ive died to PMCs i hear their voice line far away behind some bush and insta beamed 1 tapped to thorax. When checking the damage screen after death theres no fragmentation or nothing, its just a single m61 bullet to thorax. Happened about 3 times already.

    I also one day got randomly beamed through the floor on factory extraction, a PMC was near forklift, i was on the extraction undeground, behind the closed door you have to unlock while i was talking on the phone afk, heard a voiceline and the bot beamed me through either the floor or the wall, because the door was closed. I dont know if this is a tarkov issue a SPT issue or a realism mod issue, tho. Ive never had that happen to me before.