Posts by Raven-Glock

    Slightly-related but I ran into a similar issue after rage alt+f4ing to preserve a kit, jumping back in to a raid (and dying), and some of my stash was missing.

    Thought fuck it, it is what it is and kept playing and the next raid the items reappeared, both times in tarkov's console I saw an error along the lines of 'Error: Destroying multiple objects--' so I figured if the items are reappearing then it is just a matter of clearing space.

    Seemed to have worked and the console isn't displaying an error anymore.

    my hazardous guess in my case was possibly due to a combination of almost-full stash, autosorting and the alt+f4 right as a raid ended. Regardless it is fixed and I thought I should comment for the sake of documentation or whatnot. I hope Schepeppa was able to get theirs fixed.

    On a side note, when situations like finding a bug, fixing a bug crop up is it worth writing up a support thread even though support is not needed? I'm just wanting to help but I don't want to clutter :P

    I've seemed to have fixed it.

    Deleting all entries seemed to corrupt the profile making the server not recognize it so instead I removed the second "_id" which was marked as found in session in the json,

    the string (correct term?) in question that was removed in the spoiler:

    Not really sure what or how this conflict came to be, and I've yet to jump into a raid to see if everything will be fine but hideout interactions, shooting range, quests, and traders/inventory seem to be working right. My only guess is that it may have had to do with rogues (misspoke raiders) possibly not spawning properly.

    Anyway, mark this as resolved, I think. If it crops up again on the same profile I'll just wipe and start anew!

    Preface this by saying that I'm 70% sure that erasing id: "a5d727ccfa9829e2c7705fd4" from my user profile json would fix this issue, however I have found no mention of this id on, and it's in my profile a whopping 33 times, once as an itemId, twice as _id, and the rest as parentId. I am also very unfamiliar with doing this so I'm worried about deleting one thing, forgetting to delete something attached to it, etc.

    I was on Lighthouse, doing the Corporate Secrets task. Killed some PMCs along the way, and when I got to the Raider's Base I did notice that 0 raiders spawned which I thought was odd but figured I'd just gotten some good rng and they all spawned in the back away from where I needed to go. Picked up both quest items, went to Northern Checkpoint exfil, had this error popup on trying to get back to menu, and again when closing and reopening, as well a separate attempt including restarting the server.

    Any insight into this will be greatly appreciated :)