Posts by Splinter00S

    Finally got it working! I had some hash issues after redownloading all the files, and it seems that Battlestate snuck an update in overnight. Fortunately, it seems that the new patcher solved this. Thanks for the assist!

    My old SPT was broken from when my computer shit itself, so I figured now would be a good time to move to the new build. Downloaded all the requisite files, let the official client update to the latest version, copied that over once I verified it matched the downgrader version, installed all the .NET packages, ran the downgrader, installed the AKI files, deleted the shared .ini, made sure everything was gucci with the firewalls and antivirus, but I still get stuck on the infinite loading splash screen. The music doesn't even start playing, let alone anything else. Checked the process on task manager, no cpu usage and no change in memory size so it seems like it just straight up stops loading. Server and launcher both seem to work fine, and no AV alerts or error messages that I've seen.