Posts by Vertigo_DK

    I eventually figured it out .. I once again uninstalled EFT (like i tried earlier) but the difference this time was that I also deleted the BSG game folder and it's content (Both BSGLAUNCHER and EFT folder + their content)

    - Re-installed the full game again.

    - Updated the game to newest version

    - Launced the game once to confirm it worked properly

    - Restarted the computer

    - Ran the downgrade patcher (to

    - Copied in the AKI version 2.1.2 files (Overwrote when promted)

    - Ran Server (Waited for confirmation)

    - Ran Lancher

    - Created new account and clicked "Start game"

    - And It finally worked :)

    First time trying to run SPT AKI .. Tried a few weeks ago with an older patcher verison but had infinite loading screen so waited until newer patcher version came, uninstalled .NET and installed 5.0.0 (X64) Uninstalled the entire game from the uninstall.exe in the original game folder and reinstalled again.. tried the [Alt] + [Tab] Also tried [Z] + Alt .. Tried waiting for 20 minutes, still the same.

    Original game is on:
    Downloaded the downgrade patcher to



    Nvidia RTX3070

    Hope someone can help