Posts by Grun88

    Echo55 Gave SVM a spin and unfortunately it isn't compatible with FAIT as a good portion of it forces an overwrite on the AI changes of FAIT, regardless of whether they're in play or not.

    At this point, I have all of the changes made that I want short of setting "AI Amount" to medium permanently in the files. If anyone knows where that can be located that would be greatly appreciated.


    Echo55 Hey man, thanks for the response. Yeah, I've used similar mods before but I've started to thin out my mod list by editing the majority of my changes myself considering that there are very few changes that I actually like to make anyhow. It seems most of these mods offer much more than I'm interested in and that it was easier to go the route of making the changes manually.

    That being said, I haven't seen SVM before and that may be worth looking into. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Terkoiz Glad to see someone on board to finally address the issue at hand.

    I've done a bit of testing and for what it's worth, it seems to be a problem relating to window priority. As some who are familiar with this issue will know, the "spamming the nvidia overlay" trick will work to spoof the window but additionally I've found that simply minimizing and reopening the window will also do the trick. The splash screen is going to "load" eternally until the window is triggered back into priority at which point it seems to actually begin to load.

    I'm not sure what that means as far as where the problem lies on the back end but hopefully someone here will know what to make of it.

    Just a quick question on where one can find the AI Amount & Raid Time Limit inputs in the game files. I've scoured to no available and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


    I've had this problem for multiple updates now. No amount of reinstalling fixes it. I've reformatted in the interim and it's the same. Actually just hopped back on here to see if any progress has been made on a solution and it looks like not so much lol.