Posts by vvil01

    I have downloaded the new version yesterday, I installed the game as the guide said, but I am facing a lot of issues with the current version.

    The biggest issue I have is the some what broken Flea Market. It doesn't refresh uppon server restart (it does restock thou) and a lot of items are not being offered + not even on the Flea Market (mostly high tier equipment and items). The same goes for Fence too. His offers never change even if the server sais so.

    My 2nd issues with the current version is the unstable saving. Sometimes after a raid when i log out, it doesn't save my progress. Sometimes is does, and I don't understand what did I do wrong.

    As a note I did modify my character, by giving him money, skill XP and normal XP. Maybe this is causing the problem?

    I don't know if these are known issues, or I am just simply bad at copying a game then extracting a zip file. Any help would be more then welcomed.