Posts by Eric777

    Hi, I have taken a test with your mod on the most recent alpha build of 22032, and whenever I try to adjust the settings in F12 or toggle camera unsnap, the game dose not respond and the error message below just keeps spam in the console. I have never seen this situation in alpha builds before 22032, and Terkoiz's Freecam mod also encounters the same bug in the same build, maybe BSG has permanently removed something from the game. I hope this message can help you if you'd like to update this mod beforehand.

    [Exception] : TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000043 (from typeref, class/assembly GClass2092`1, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class310:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Hi Eric! I noticed this mostly with lasers being off, but also the shaking that you mentioned. It was easy fixed for me by unequipping and reequipping the items. Do the issues you mentioned persist even after doing so?

    Hi! For me it really just depends. Re-equipping helps but not always, and sometimes the situation becomes worse. It is also possible that the problems just disappears after a dozen of minutes.

    Hi, I wish to report an issue: when freecam is activated while holding a weapon in the hands, the players' hands' motion involving aiming and wobbling will possibly be seriously bugged (super wacky shaking, failing in aligning the eye with scopes, etc.) after exiting freecam mode. The situation seems to happen much more frequently when the player uses freecam to teleport.

    I didn't pull a formal report because as I see there isn't any bug message appearing in the console and I guess it can be easily reproduced. Still, if you wish I will make a formal bug report.