Posts by ItsBildo

    I'm getting this Error. SPT and the profile editor are on the last version released. How can i fix this?

    Yes, you can hot-n-dirty use the editor if you open your profile JSON w/ Notepad++ and cut out (but save) the whole object/block then paste it back in before you run the game again


    Then. cut and paste the following into a blank sheet in NP++, and take note of which line youre cutting from (example: line 28188)

    "name": "Daily_Savage",
    "activeQuests": [],
    "inactiveQuests": [],
    "endTime": 0,
    "changeRequirement": {}





    (there will be MANY more lines than you see above, this is just a quick demo)

    Hit save on the profile json, launch profile editor, do your edits, close the editor, then jump back into your profile json, copy the code and re-paste it back in, and viola! You done did a thing! ^^

    You're welcome. :)

    Profile may be borked now. Do you have any mods that has new items, like Super Slicc or Bigger Bang?

    The editor doesn't like them. Do you have a back up of your profile from before installing the mod?

    I only added the Super Trooper armor set, but that was hours and hours AFTER I noticed I couldnt load keys in anymore

    Use 7zip ..... winrar borks the compression somehow.

    Well I'll be damned - that worked! Thank you kindly!

    Only real problem(s) I'm seeing now is still unable to add keys? Even though somehow I was able to add the Marked Room 314 (Customs) key to my stash with the older version


    Just want to start by saying this mod is a god-send, and is seriously top notch..... With that, I have some issues I would like to put forth-

    1) Trying to download the latest version, the .rar file is reporting its damaged.... every single time I've downlaoded. Had to use the 1.9 version (whose .rar opens just fine - just giving a heads-up)

    2) I am having difficulties finding keys - I somehow was able to add the Marked Room 314 to my stash earlier via the mod, but when I went to add some more different keys I am now unable to locate the sub-folder which I couldve sworn was "Keys"

    3) Thank you again for such a wonderful mod