bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for aki 2.0.5
bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for aki 2.0.5
bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for aki 3.2.4
bluehead added a new version:
Quotebug fix for aki 3.2.3
bluehead added a new version:
QuoteDisplay Morecompatibility improved version, no feature updates
Compatibility Notes
when you encounter compatibility issues with other mods, please try the following steps,
if you dont need aio_key_case
set bluehead_trader to fasle
set aio_injector_case to fasle
restart the server and client
if you need aio_key_case
set bluehead_trader to true
set aio_injector_case to true
buy case from the bluehead_trader
set bluehead_trader to false
restart the server and client
remove_min_repiar_durability_decrease now default to false, I strongly recommend you to use "KMC SERVER VALUE MODIFIER" to achieve this feature
The above steps should maximize the compatibility of this mod, but it is not guaranteed to be compatible with all mods, please leave a comment if you still have problems
bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for aki 2.3.1
bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for aki 3.1.1
bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for AKI 3.0.0
note: the feature about repair without decreasing max durability may not compatible with other mods which have similar feature, u can disable it by set remove_min_repair_rurability_decrease to false in config
bluehead added a new version:
Quotenow the aio-key-case can be insured correctly : )
bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for AKI 2.3.1
bluehead added a new version:
Quoteupdate for 2.3.x, nothing changes except version number : )
bluehead added a new version:
QuoteAdded configuration options to allow switching each trader individually or turning off the entire mod.
!!! make sure to discard all AIO key cases you bought from bluehead before disabling or uninstalling this mod.!!!
bluehead added a new file: MoreInstalling
1. download mod files.
2. put the bluehead-AIOSeller folder into the mods folder.
1. discard all bluehead's AIO cases from your character and inventory.
2. remove the bluehead-AIOSeller folder from the mods folder.
1. Buy everything from an all-in-one trader with one ruble.
2. Buy a case-including-all-keys from the bluehead trader.
3. Buy the encoded Digital secure DSP radio transmitter from the bluehead trader.
4. things sold by the bluehead trader will be sent to your message boxes which like insurance and mission rewards.
1. [New] bluehead's AIO case
2. [Modify] Digital secure DSP radio transmitter will be removable
1. Some items that are in development or that cannot be obtained in normal games (like Tagilla's hammer) may not appear in the filter results and the flea market, so if you want to buy them, you need to manually scroll down the list to find them instead of using the filter button.
Compatibility Notes
when you encounter compatibility issues with other mods, please try the following steps,
if you don't need aio_key_case
1. set bluehead_trader to false
2. set aio_injector_case to false
3. restart the server and client
if you need aio_key_case
1. set bluehead_trader to true
2. set aio_injector_case to true
3. buy the case from the bluehead_trader
4. set bluehead_trader to false
5. restart the server and client
The above steps should maximize the compatibility of this mod, but it is not guaranteed to be compatible with all mods, please leave a comment if you still have problems