Posts by itsMickle

    I had this also, to resolve I used 7zip to extract the SPT-AKI archive, then pasted it into my chosen copy of the install.

    In hindsight it was probably windows defender blocking one of the extracted files whilst it was in temp, I didn't check but worth exploring.

    I've just re run the process as described; took a copy of the live eft folder at version - pasted in the contents of the patcher zip and applied it, see the screenshot for the number of changed files (does yours have the same numbers?) and then extracted 2.2.2 into the folder, running without issue. I'm looking across the logs and again don't see any reference to the RagFair line in yours, after [DEBUG] Profile file updated- which is strange..

    Are you coping a fresh live install or a previously SPT patched one? I notice in your logs the ragfair message which I don't see in mine- I don't know if that is a mod or part of the core SPT-AKI though..

    I've also had this, the only time I used a picked up pump action- I may have tried to use a hot bar heal if that's relevant, maybe something to do with interrupted animation cycles?

    I should have said however, I've also experienced this in previous versions of the unmodified 'live' game, so suspect its an engine fault at that level, rather than due to the SPT modifications..

    I'm only a newbie myself but I'd be inclined to the do the following, take a fresh copy of your live EFT to a new location, launch the loader and perform a 'verify files' - then perform the downgrade and SPT install, ideally you wouldn't get any freezes in the patcher.