Posts by diasiledu

    Hi Fontaine, I noticed something weird while playing after some time. I don't remember reading something like this on the description, and since English is not my first language, I might be missing something. Is it a feature or a bug that all traders buy items for the same price? I installed The Broker to make it "easier to trade", but it wants to give everything to Skier, not sure why, it might be mod logic because it sells it to the highest one and since all have the same price it defaults to him, but also using ItemSellPrice shows the same prices for every trader, just Prapor, Fence and Peacekeeper (which is the equivalent in roubles) have a different one sometimes.

    Tried with a new profile, fresh SPT install, Realism and ItemSellPrice and the same happens. Examples

    Even with no mods other that Realism it happens.

    Disabling "Trader Buy Prices" fixes same price.