Posts by Killahertz

    I am unable to get this mod to work with my install:

    Whenever I tried the original file you uploaded I got a bunch of red text in the server window, so I removed it. Today I tried your hotfix and when I start the server I get a bunch of red text as shown here:

    I have once again deleted the folder, but wanted to post this in the event it is something that might be fixed, if not for me, for others that have the same issue.

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    at AddItems.copyToFilters (C:\SPT380\user\mods\Carl-QHB\src\mod.ts:304:63)

    at AddItems.postDBLoad (C:\SPT380\user\mods\Carl-QHB\src\mod.ts:83:26)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:78:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:31:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:56:26)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Filter')

    at AddItems.copyToFilters (C:\SPT380\user\mods\Carl-QHB\src\mod.ts:304:63)

    at AddItems.postDBLoad (C:\SPT380\user\mods\Carl-QHB\src\mod.ts:83:26)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:78:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:31:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:56:26)

    Maybe some useful info:

    I had tried this in a SPT380 that has a lot of mods and also personal *.json edits I do myself.

    I just created another new fresh SPT380 install and without any mods or edits, your mod seems to work fine there as I got no red text errors in the server menu.

    Hope this helps. :)

    Great work CWX!

    I ran a few more raids, including two where it stated the weather was showing as heavy rain, and nothing but perfect sunny days!

    thanks again and congrats!

    Great news, I ran 3 quick raids, perfect weather (sunny & clear) then I ran one more after adding two mods I wanted to try (hideout-architect and better-lasers) and the weather was still sunny and clear.

    This was with the new DLL file

    Fantastic work!

    Valens, do what exactly?

    I only stated that I would test after he asked me if I could. Nothing more, but please let me know what I clearly do not see.

    Maybe it was the phrase "report back" , which was not ever going to be via DM, but here in the forum thread so he could read it.


    No other mods, just your weatherpatcher. I didn't tick for random either.

    I just left a customs raid, where it was bright and sunny, got dark, started to thunder and lightning, then slowly came back to sunny again... it seems it wants to rain and thunder, but this time your mod kept it under control.

    I'm still so happy with your mod though. Love having the sunny days as it helps visibility for me.

    Love your mod, but wanted to let you know that with the latest SPT 2.3.0 and your 2.2.0 I got a thick as soup fog just now and dark skies rolled in and thunder/lightning flashes still. At least no rain but I was blind as a bat in that thick fog.

    Wow! I wanted to report back that I finally got SPO working.

    I think the issue was my installation was messed up a bit, due to my updating SPT from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3, or from previous json file edits I had made.

    So today I decided to just create a new copy of my live folders, then update directly with SPT 2.2.3, no *.json file tweaks from me, and then apply the SPO mod per your instructions and it worked!

    Fantastic job on this mod, you're a legend!

    Hm... I just checked the Revingly-MICC mod and notice his package.json file shows :


    "name": "BetterMedsRevised",

    "author": "Revingly",

    "version": "1.6.0",

    "license": "NCSA",

    "main": "package.js",

    "akiVersion": "2.2.3"


    But the version included in your mod pack is for AKI version 2.2.2, shown below:


    "name": "MICC",

    "author": "Revingly",

    "version": "2.0.0",

    "license": "NCSA",

    "dependencies": {},

    "main": "package.js",

    "akiVersion": "2.2.2"


    Could this be the issue, running it in SPT-AKI 2.2.3?

    I won't replace it with your since you have bundles associated with your version.

    The error seems to come after it loads Revingly-MICC everytime I had tried, so it might be due to something there or a dependency for Revingly-MICC, I will check that mod page to see if I might find an answer.

    Thank you for trying to help me.

    Just tried your files, emptied my mod folder ( I only had CWX's weatherPatcher mod), replaced the mod folder with your mod folder (SPT\user\mods\SPO\mods file structure), and still got Trace Errors. Looks like the exact same Trace Errors I got prior, when I tried it myself with the downloaded files from SPT-AKI site.

    Thank you, viewing your folder structure might help me and others.

    I think i just realized why I had issues, I was using the wrong version of SPO (previous download from a few days ago) and not the latest.

    best regards.

    Well my last attempt with all latest files downloaded a few min ago failed again. I get trace errors in the server window and when I just ignore and go to the launcher, I don't even have an option to create an SPO version profile, just "Standard, Left Behind, Prepare to Escape and EOD" versions.

    Installed as per your latest instructions shown as of today...

    I got an error at server startup shown below:

    Modloader: Loading mods...

    Mod SPO is missing package.json

    [ERROR] Invalid mod encountered

    Question... The instructions state:

    1. Download and Extract "SPO" to your empty "mods" folder.
    2. Download Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT) and extract it into "SPT\user\mods\SPO\mods\"
    3. Extract Included "zFin-AITweaks" folder into "SPT\user\mods\SPO\mods\"

    step 2 has me extract FAIT into my ...... user\mods\SPO\mods folder

    then step 3 has me overwriting those same files by extracting into the same folder?

    Tried to install using the instructions 3 times and keep getting the same error. My mods folder begins empty, and profiles folder begins empty on each attempt.