Posts by DocKiwi

    I found that the reason i was not being able to insure is because i had something that wasnt actually insurable. So restart your game and take all your keys and keycards out and see what wont sell to anyone., That will be your culprit

    Apparently, a single folding car key was unsellable to Fence.
    After restarting the game, the insurance seems to work fine.

    I guess now I'll have to check every item with fence to make sure I don't get this error again.

    Thanks man!

    I still kept getting the error below, even after toggling some mods or moving them out of the game folder.

    The insurance prices returned for only 1 attempt, until the option to insure was greyed out again like before.

    Unfortunately, I'm giving up on this profile and will start anew, since that seems to be the only fix I have as of now.
    I do appreciate the assistance.

    [We can close the thread...]

    I think it might be the server value modifier mod, I'm going to try messing with it and check back. (Turning off and on the all items examined option)

    I used to be able to insure items before going into a raid or even just normally in the stash view.

    Now when I try to insure either way, I get a string of an error and the price is "0", unable to insure anything new.









    I haven't had this issue recently, even when modifying values using the mod "ServerValueModifier"

    I know one of the Maid Traders sells like all the items in the game or something for only 1 ruble, and there are some Super Items being sold for only 1 ruble as well from the Super Items mod.

    Insuring works when using another profile, I just want to see if I can fix this error with my current one before using a new profile as a last resort.

    Specific error below: