Posts by AFG

    It is 12.11, so not pre-12.11.

    In either way to simplify the question - where does EFT SP key binding file is? I understand that in pre 12.12 it was X:\Users\XXX\Documents\Escape from Tarkov\shared.ini right? So in my case the file is still there and it has not moved, but why EFT SP does not read the file from there? And is there a way to configure where the EFT SP reads this configuration from?

    It is clear that EFT SP does not read the file from X:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Settings either. However, I can manually set key binding in EFT SP and they get saved somewhere, which means that there must be something somewhere storing my config. I am just looking for the place where config is (or suppose to be).


    I have strange issue with my key bindings. If I am not wrong for EFT 12.11, the SP it used to use shared.ini file (in X:\Users\XXX\Documents\Escape from Tarkov ), the same one as used by online game. So it was all fine and I never needed to change anything for SP as it would use all the same settings as normal EFT.

    However, I have tried playing existing SP configuration after ~3 months and all my key bindings and settings got reset to defaults. Checked proper EFT and it was the same. Got back-up shared.ini, placed it in X:\Users\XXX\Documents\Escape from Tarkov, checked in proper EFT and my old config was applied, checked SP, still default.

    Did some more digging and realised that with 12.12, EFT went to Unity 2019 and hence config files have changed to X:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Settings... But the most bizarre thing is - SP which suppose to look at X:\Users\XXX\Documents\Escape from Tarkov ignores my settings, but proper EFT which suppose to look at X:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Settings, uses the settings from X:\Users\XXX\Documents\Escape from Tarkov ?!

    The only assumption I have is that somehow EFT SP 12.11 does not like the EFT 12.12 being on the same machine.

    Point is - I am confused... question - where EFT SP suppose to look for key bindings? is it in X:\Users\XXX\Documents\Escape from Tarkov\shared.ini? And if not where do I suppose to save my key bindings?

    I guess the positive thing is that if I change the key bindings manually and close the client/server the bindings are saved, but I can't find where they are saved. And just to note - almost all of my biddings are non-standard so it is kind of pain to change them 1 by 1 when they get reset.